2000字范文 > 国庆外出旅游 这些英语口语你准备好了吗?

国庆外出旅游 这些英语口语你准备好了吗?

时间:2018-10-07 02:49:54


国庆外出旅游 这些英语口语你准备好了吗?



A: Where are you heading?你要去哪儿?

B: Could you take me to Ohare International Airport?


B: I have to catch my flight in three hours. Could you take the quickest route, please:



A: Yeah, sure. Buckle up, Miss当然。系好安全带,小姐。

B: How long is the ride?要开多久?

A: It usually takes about 40 minutes if there isn much traffic如果车流不多的话,通常要40分钟。A: Do you know which terminal you e checking in at?你知道你在哪个航站楼值机吗?

B: Yes, my ticket says Terminal 1嗯,机票上说是1号航站楼。B: How much is the fare?车费多少?

B: Here is forty dollars. Keep the change.给你40美元,不用找零了。

外汇篇Can you change this into US dollars?请将这些外币兑换成美元? Id like some small change请将大钞换成零钱。

入住篇B: Hi, Id like to check in, please您好,我想登记入住。

A: All right. Do you have a reservation maam?好的。您有预订吗,女士?

B: Yes, under the name of xxx有的,以XXX的名字订的。

A: May I see your passport, please?我能看下您的护照吗?

B: Sure, here you are当然,这就给您。A: Here is your key card for Room 1505. 这是您的房卡,房间号是1505。

B: By the way what time is the breakfast?顺便问一下,早餐供应的时间是?

A: From / a.m. to 9 am七点到九点。

A: If you need anything else, please call the front desk and well be happy to help如果您有任何需要,请给前台打电话,我们很高兴为您提供帮助。

退房篇 A: Good morning! Can I help you?早上好,有什么能帮您?B: Morning! Im checking out早,我准备退房。A: May I have the key card for your room, please?请您交下您的房卡好吗?A: Youve stayed at our hotel for three nights. Theres a fee of $90 for room service, tax included Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?您在我们酒店一共入住三晚。客房服务费一共是90美元,含税。您是用现金支付还是信用卡支付?

B: By credit card. Here you are信用卡。给。

A: OK. Please sign here请在这里签名。

Here is your receipt, maam. Wish you a very good day这是您的收据,女士。祝您今天愉快

购物篇May I try this on?我可以试穿这个吗?

Wheres the fitting room?试衣间在哪里?

I can find my size here. Can you check if you have this in a size 4?我找不到我的码,你能帮我看下有没有4码的吗?

Do you have this in different colors?这件有别的颜色吗?

It just suits me. Ill take it这件衣服正合我身,我买了。

Is this tax free?这个免税吗?

