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sources sources.list添加源

时间:2020-01-20 15:51:06


sources sources.list添加源

1. Introduction

Motivation is an important aspect of human behavior that drives individuals towards achieving their goals. It involves a combination of internal and external factors that influence an individuals behavior, drive, and persistence towards achieving their goals. Understanding the sources of motivation is essential for individuals and organizations as it helps them to create an environment that fosters positive motivation and productivity. In this article, we will explore the different sources of motivation and their impact on human behavior.

2. Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from within an individual. It is the drive to engage in an activity or behavior because it is inherently rewarding and enjoyable. This type of motivation is usually associated with activities that involve creativity, self-expression, and personal growth. Examples of activities that are driven by intrinsic motivation include hobbies, creative pursuits, and intellectual pursuits.

3. Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from external factors such as rewards, recognition, and incentives. This type of motivation is usually associated with activities that involve tangible rewards such as money, prizes, or promotions. Extrinsic motivation can be a powerful tool for driving behavior, but it can also result in negative consequences such as a lack of creativity, a reduction in the quality of work, or a decrease in job satisfaction.

4. Achievement Motivation

Achievement motivation refers to the drive to achieve success, mastery, and recognition. It is a powerful source of motivation that can drive individuals to work harder, longer, and more effectively towards their goals. Achievement motivation is usually associated with activities that require skill, talent, and effort such as sports, academic pursuits, or professional development.

5. Social Motivation

Social motivation refers to the drive to connect with others, build relationships, and achieve social acceptance. This type of motivation is usually associated with activities that involve social interaction such as team sports, volunteer work, or community events. Social motivation can be a powerful source of motivation as it provides individuals with a sense of belonging, identity, and purpose.

6. Fear Motivation

Fear motivation refers to the drive to avoid negative outcomes such as punishment, failure, or rejection. This type of motivation can be a powerful source of motivation, but it can also result in negative consequences such as anxiety, stress, and burnout. Fear motivation is usually associated with activities that involve high-stress situations such as sports, public speaking, or job interviews.

7. Power Motivation

Power motivation refers to the drive to exercise influence, control, and authority over others. This type of motivation is usually associated with activities that involve leadership, management, or entrepreneurship. Power motivation can be a powerful source of motivation as it provides individuals with a sense of autonomy, influence, and responsibility.

8. Conclusion



2. 添加软件源的原因




3. 添加软件源的方法

3.1 使用命令行添加软件源


(1) 用以下命令打开sources.list文件

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

其中, \"sudo\" 意为以超级用户(root)的权限执行命令。\"nano\" 意为用nano文本编辑器打开文件,源地址列表存储在里面。

(2) 在文件的末尾添加软件源信息

无论需要添加哪个软件源,都应该在最后一行添加。我们可以利用格式\"xenial partner\"将软件源的地址添加到/etc/apt/sources.list文件末尾。比如,添加Ubuntu 16.04的partner软件源,你可以将下面的代码复制到/etc/apt/sources.list文件末尾。

deb /ubuntu/ xenial multiverse

deb-src /ubuntu xenial multiverse

deb /ubuntu/ xenial-updates multiverse

deb-src /ubuntu/ xenial-updates multiverse

deb /ubuntu/ xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src /ubuntu/ xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb /ubuntu/ xenial partner

deb-src /ubuntu/ xenial partner

上述代码中,我们添加了partner软件源。如果需要添加其他的软件源,只需要修改“deb /ubuntu/ xenial partner”即可,比如添加Chrome软件源可以这样写:

deb [arch=amd64] /linux/chrome/deb/ stable main

(3) 更新仓库

添加新的源地址后,系统并不会立即更新。我们需要在命令行下输入“apt-get update”或“aptitude update”命令,以将新的源信息记录在系统中,使其随时可以被使用。

sudo apt-get update


sudo aptitude update

(4) 安装软件包


sudo apt-get install software_package


sudo aptitude install software_package

3.2 使用软件包管理器添加软件源


(1) 打开软件包管理器

在Ubuntu中,我们可以从“Ubuntu软件中心”或“Synaptic软件中心”打开软件包管理器。在Debian中,我们可以从\"应用程序 - 系统工具 - 特权终端\"打开软件包管理器。

(2) 添加新的源地址


(3) 关闭设置


(4) 安装软件包


4. 使用PPA添加软件源

PPA(Personal Package Archives),翻译为“个人软件包存档”,是一种Ubuntu特有的软件源,允许个人用户发布和更新软件包。这些用户可以通过PPA同步的官方存储库以外的方式,将他们的软件包共享到Ubuntu社区上。



(1) 打开终端窗口


(2) 执行PPA的添加命令


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:PPA名称

(3) 更新软件仓库

添加PPA后,在终端窗口中运行命令sudo apt-get update以更新软件仓库。

sudo apt-get update

(4) 安装软件包


sudo apt-get install software_package


