2000字范文 > 英语四级作文模版 英语四级作文模板范文

英语四级作文模版 英语四级作文模板范文

时间:2020-07-20 15:56:06


英语四级作文模版 英语四级作文模板范文


2. 引言段模版


首先,可以直接点题来引出话题,如\"The issue of …(某项话题) has always been a controversial topic.\"或\"It has now become a consensus that …(某项话题)is of great significance.\"

其次,可以引用一些名言或事实,增加阅读的兴趣,例如:\"As the saying goes, …(名言)\"或\"According to a recent survey, …(事实)\"。

最后,可以使用反问句引出话题,如\"Do you believe that …(某项话题) has a great impact on our daily lives?\"或\"How much do we really know about …(某项话题)?\"

3. 经验段模版


比较经典的一种经验段模版是PROBLEM-SOLUTION结构。可以首先描述某个问题,然后提供解决方法。如:The problem of …(某项话题) has become increasingly apparent in todays society. However, there are several effective ways to tackle it. First, …(解决方法一)。Second, …(解决方法二)。Finally, …(解决方法三)。

还可以通过使用 BECAUSE-REASON结构来展开经验段,如:\"The fact that …(某项话题) is so important is because of …(原因一), …(原因二) and …(原因三)\"。

此外,也可以采用逐步展开的结构,第一句话提出内容概括,第二句话详细阐述,并且逐渐铺开。例如:\"In the modern era, people are increasingly using smartphones. This is because they facilitate communication and provide entertainment.\"


4. 论证段模版


常规的论证段模版,是以FIRSTLY-SECONDLY-LASTLY的结构进行展开。如:\"Firstly, …(理由一)。Secondly, …(理由二)。Lastly, …(理由三)。\"

另外,为了更加有力地进行论证,也可以引用一些有名的例子或者事实来说明观点的正确性。如:\"For example, …(举例)。This proves that …(下文)。\"或\"The fact that …(事实) indicates that …(下文)。\"

还有一种方式是进行对比论证,即对两个观点进行对比分析,展示自己的看法。如:\"While some people believe that …(观点一),others argue that …(观点二)。。。In my point of view, …(自己的看法)。\"

5. 总结段模版


一种常规的总结段模版是,综合当前的观点和结论,预测未来的发展和趋势。如:\"Based on the above analysis, we can conclude that …(总结)。For the the future trend, …(预测)。”

也可以重申一些观点建议或者呼吁。例如:\"In summary, …(总结) …(建议或呼吁)\"或\"We should take an active attitude towards …(观点) and …(建议或呼吁)\"。

另外,也可以提出一些问题或者留下一些疑问,增加文章的探讨性。例如:\"There are still some questions remaining to be answered. For example, …(问题一) and …(问题二).\"

6. 结论










Is Money the Most Important Thing?

Nowadays, people become more and more materialistic due to the rapid development of economy. Some people believe that money is the most important thing in life while others hold the opposite view. Personally, I think money is really important, but it is not the most important thing.

On one hand, it is true that money can satisfy our material needs such as food, clothing and shelter. With enough money, we can afford high-quality food, fashionable clothes and a comfortable house. In addition, money can also provide us with a better education and medical care. As we all know, money plays a significant role in deciding our living standard.

On the other hand, there are many things that cannot be measured by money. For example, there are some things that we cannot buy with money such as happiness and friendship. Besides, people who are too obsessed with money are likely to neglect their health, spiritual and emotional needs. They may be so focused on making money that they have no time and energy for their family and friends.

In my opinion, our goal should not be pursuing wealth and money alone, but seeking a more balanced life. In order to achieve a better life, we should learn to strike a balance between material and spiritual needs. For instance, even if we are not rich, we can still find happiness in reading books, running in the park and chatting with friends. Moreover, instead of competing with others in the pursuit of money, we should try to collaborate with each other to build a better society.

In conclusion, although money is important, it is not the most important thing in life. We should not be blinded by the thirst for money, but learn to appreciate the beauty of life. By pursuing a more balanced life, we can find true happiness and satisfaction.











As the pie chart shows, the proportion of population in different age groups in China has changed dramatically over the past few decades.

In , the percentage of people aged between 0-14 accounted for 18.9% of the total population, while that of 15-59 and 60 and over was 70.1% and 11% respectively. However, in 2030, it is predicted that the proportion will be 17.3%, 65.5% and 17.2% respectively.

The sharp decrease in the proportion of youth and the increase of elderly population can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, due to the one-child policy, there are fewer newborns than before. Secondly, with the development of economic and the improvement of peoples living standards, the average lifespan of the elderly is also increasing. Finally, the improvement of medical technology has also greatly contributed to the aging of the population.

Taking into account of these factors, we can draw the conclusion that China is entering the aging society. This will bring tremendous challenges to the government and society as a whole. Economic development, social welfare system, education and employment patterns will all be affected. To cope with this situation, some viable measures should be taken. For instance, the government should encourage young couples to have more babies and improve the pension system. In addition, the elderly should also be encouraged to participate in social activities and make contributions to society.

In conclusion, although there have been some positive changes in Chinas population structure, it has also brought challenges to the society. Only by taking practical measures to address the challenges can we create a harmonious and prosperous society.









Online and Offline Shopping

Nowadays, online shopping and traditional in-store store shopping have both become very popular among consumers. Each mode of shopping has its pros and cons. Which one is better has been a hot topic in recent years.

Firstly, online shopping is much more convenient than traditional shopping. You can shop wherever and whenever you want without the need to leave your house. Moreover, online shopping provides customers with a much wider range of products than traditional shopping. With just one click, you can compare prices and read reviews of products from different websites.

Secondly, traditional shopping still has many advantages over online shopping. For example, traditional shopping allows you to try on clothes and see if they fit you well. Additionally, you can feel the texture of the fabric and make a better judgment of your choices. Whats more, being in a store also provides the opportunity to try products such as electronic devices, furniture, and so on.

In terms of price, online shopping has the advantage as it often offers lower prices with discounts and coupons. However, traditional shopping may have seasonal sales and special discounts as well.

After compare and contrast these two shopping modes, it is clear that they have advantages and disadvantages. Online shopping is more convenient and time-efficient, while traditional shopping allows you to experience the buying process and make better judgments. Hence, it depends on the individuals personal preference and the particular situation to decide which way to shop.









A Letter of Complaint

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to complain about the poor service I received in your restaurant last night. I must say that I was extremely disappointed with the entire experience.

Firstly, when I arrived at your restaurant, I was warmly welcomed by your staff who showed me to my table. But after that, things began to go downhill. I had to wait for a long time before my order was finally taken. Moreover, the waiter who served me was very impolite and didn seem to care about my needs at all.

Secondly, the food I ordered was not up to my expectations. I ordered a steak, but it was overcooked and dry, which made it very difficult to chew. Additionally, the salad that came with it was wilted and unappetizing.

Thirdly, I was shocked when I received the bill. It was much higher than I had expected, given the poor quality of the food and service.

Therefore, as a customer, I must express my dissatisfaction with your restaurant. I hope that you will investigate this matter seriously and improve the quality of the food and service in the future. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming









A Life-Changing Experience

Stacy was a beautiful young woman in her early twenties. She had just graduated from college with a degree in English and was looking forward to pursuing a career in writing. One day, she received a letter from a publishing company congratulating her on winning first place in a short story competition. She was thrilled and couldn wait to attend the award ceremony.

On the night of the ceremony, Stacy put on her best dress and headed to the venue. As soon as she entered the hall, she was overwhelmed by the sight of the other attendees. They were all older and more experienced than her, which made her feel insecure.

During the ceremony, the winner of the grand prize was announced, and it turned out to be Stacys short story! She was elated and went up to the stage to receive her trophy. However, just as she was about to make her speech, she suddenly felt so nervous that she could hardly speak.

The audience fell silent and stared at her as she struggled to get her words out. At that moment, Stacy realized that she had to overcome this fear if she wanted to become a successful writer. She decided she would never let her fear stand in the way of her dreams.

Stacy went on to publish several novels and became a famous author in her own right. Her life-changing experience at the award ceremony had taught her that there is always a way to overcome our fears and pursue our dreams.
