2000字范文 > class meeting会计 class meeting time

class meeting会计 class meeting time

时间:2018-07-17 14:43:43


class meeting会计 class meeting time




答:安排在07:50-08:00的meeting 应该是晨会或者早读类的某些集体活动,不是什么课程







既然在timeable中出现,算作一种宽泛的class, 而不是严格意义上的与subject 相关的

course 或lesson[微笑]。


Look online to see if there is a club near you that runs public-speaking courses. If not, ask your teachers if they can get the school involved.It can encourage more pupils to speak up in class or meeting.

Jacob, a boy was aged just eight when started public speaking. “It might feel really hard, but deep down inside everyone’s got something they can talk about,” he says. “Find something that you’re interested in and don’t worry about making mistakes.You can do it as long as you have a try.Everyone can be good at public speaking.”



One day, Tom's teacher, Miss Mak held a class meeting. "There will be a flag day next Saturday. Does anyone want to join this meaningful event?" asked Miss Mak. Tom was interested in raising money for homeless children but he was not brave enough to talk to the strangers, so he kept quiet in his seat.

"Tom, you haven't sold flags before," said Miss Mak suddenly. "Would you like to have a try?" Tom was hesitant, but he finally nodded.

On the flag day, Tom and Angela sold flags in a busy street. "Excuse me, Could you please buy...?" said Angela softly to the first person she met. The man smiled and put five-dollar coin into Angela's collection bag. Then she said thanks and put a flag under his shoulder. "I did it!" said Angela happily. "It's your turn now."

Feeling nervous, Tom began to shake. Soon, he saw a young lady walking towards him. The lady was smiling and holding a few coins in her hand. She asked, "Are you selling flags for Fund for the Homeless Children?" Tom's face became red and said yes. Then the lady made the donationand Tom gave her a flag. "You made it!" laughed Angela.

In the next couple of hours, Angela and Tom sold flags quickly and bravely. At last, their collection bags were so heavy that they had to hold them with both arms. They felt very proud.








What time dose your class begin?

What is date of your birthday?

Do you know the date of our next meeting?

That train won't leave until 7p.m.

She will finish school at bout 6p.m.

#新春庙会# #天南地北大拜年# #从今天起记录我的#

My 19-year-old daughter decided before she graduated from high school that she wanted to be a nurse. She worked hard and got accepted to a one-year long, accelerated Nursing School with a reputation for being hard, but very successful. The school had a policy to the effect of, “if you fail any test throughout the year, you were out”. As the youngest in her class at 19 years old, she tried to balance a social life with her studies, and about halfway through the year, as you might expect she failed a test and was consequently kicked out of the school. This occurred on a Friday and she was distraught the entire weekend. She and I sat down and talked about it and during our conversation she told me that the WHOLE class had actually failed the same test, but the grades were “curved” so that everyone in the class passed except her.

I happened to be in a job that handled similar complaints, so I knew first-hand how to approach situations when someone was treated unfairly. The following Monday I met with the administrator, armed with open records requests, rule books, etc. I pointed out their rule book made no allowances for “curving test scores” and if the whole class failed the test, then everyone in the class should be kicked out, not just my daughter. Also, during the meeting it became apparent they had targeted her because of her age, which further supported the unfairness of the situation. The meeting ended with my daughter being allowed to retake a “fair” test, which she easily passed and was consequently reinstated to the class.

I told my daughter, in front of everyone at the meeting, that I was disappointed in her for allowing herself to be put in this situation, and that I did not condone her not being prepared for a test. However, I also did not condone anyone in authority deliberately setting out to make someone fail, at anything. I further emphasized to the administrator that my daughter’s failure was also a direct reflection on her as a teacher.

SK【赠音频】2册英语小故事 基础篇+提高篇 双语读物


1、margin ['mɑːdʒin] n. 差数,差额;页边空白;余地,余裕;边,边缘

【例】by a narrow margin 勉强;比分相差不大地,以微弱优势地:President Bush won the election by a narrow margin. 布什总统以微弱的优势赢得了选举。

If I have any comments to make, I'll write them in the margin. 如果我有任何评论的话会在空白处写出来的。

2、maximum ['mæksiməm] a. 最高的,最大的,顶点的 n. 最大限度,最大量

【例】maximum benefit 最大利益

The temperatrue will reach a maximum of 27°C today. 今天最高气温将达到27摄氏度。

【用】反义词是minimum (a. 最小的 n. 最小量)。

3、orient ['ɔːrient]['ɔːriənt] vt. 以…为方向(目标),使朝向;使适应,使熟悉情况(或环境等)

n. [the O-] 东方,亚洲(尤指远东),东半球

【例】orient to/toward 以…为方向(目标):This project is oriented towards economic development. 这个项目是以经济发展为目标的。

The boy needed some time to orient himself in the new school. 男孩需要一些时间适应新学校。

【派】cultrue-oriented (a. 以文化为导向的);orientable (a. 可定向的)

4、outbreak ['autbreik] n. (战争、情感、火山等的)爆发,(疾病、虫害等的)突然发生

【例】an outbreak of disease 疾病的突然发生

【用】来自动词短语break out(爆发)。

5、ponder ['pɔndə] v. 思索,考虑,沉思

【例】ponder on/over/upon sth. 思考…,沉思…:Betty began to ponder over her teacher's words. 贝蒂开始思考老师的话了。

6、premise ['premis] n. 前提,假设;[pl.](企业、机构等使用的)房屋和地基,经营场址

【例】the basic premise of your argument 你的论据的基本前提 // business premises 商业性楼宇

on the premise that... 在…的前提下

7、premium ['priːmiəm] n. (投保人向保险公司支付的)保险金;额外费用,加付款;奖品,赠品,额外津贴 a. 高级的,优质的;售价高的

【例】put/place a premium on 高度评价;重视:That shift placed an unprecedented premium on “knowledge workers”,a new class of wealthy, educated, and mobile people. 那种转变使得“知识工人”,即一些受过教育、富有且流动性大的新阶层得到了前所未有的重视。

at a premium 奇缺的;难得的;以高价;premium pay 加班工资

8、presumably [pri'zjuːməbli] ad. 大概,可能

【例】Presumably Jane just forgot the meeting. 简可能只是忘了这个会议。

【派】presume 〔v. 假定(某事物)是事实,(没有证据地)相信〕;presumable (a. 可能的;可假定的)

9、random ['rændəm] a. 任意的,随机的

【例】at random 随便地,随机地:The host pulled a name at random from the box and the winner won a new portable computer. 主持人从箱子中随机抽出一个名字,被抽到的人可以得到一台新的手提电脑。

a random sample 随机取样

【派】randomness (n. 随意;无安排)

10、reap [riːp] vt. 获得,得到;收割,收获

【例】reap a profit 获利:Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能会获利很多。

【派】reaper (n. 收割者)

absent in 和 absent from及其他

absent是形容词,用起来相对简单,但需要掌握的是:absent in、absent from及absent-minded的用法。

absent最常见的意思是“缺席,不在”。比如:He was absent from the meeting。他没来开会。Why were you absent from school yesterday?昨天为什么没来上学?


另外,absent后边还可以跟介词in接地点名词。当主语是无生命的名词时,absent in意思是“不在,没有”,这时候一般可用absent from来替换。当主语是有生命的名词时,absent in表示“不在这里,在另一个地方”。比如:

When they came to see us,we were absent from Beijing.他们来看我们时,我们不在北京。 She is absent in Beijing.她不在这里,现在在北京。

absent的第二个意思是“心不在焉”。比如:He had an absent look on his face.他脸上的表情是一副心不在焉的样子。I asked him a question,but he looked at me in an absent way and didn't answer.我问了他一个问题,但是他心不在焉地看着我,没有回答。

absent的第三个意思是“不存在,没有”。比如:Snow is absent in some countries.有些国家不下雪。In the manx type of cat, the tail is absent.马恩岛猫是没有尾巴的。

形容词absent-minded意思是“心不在焉的;健忘的;出神的”。比如:You are absent minded.你心不在焉。He has an absent-minded manner.他一副心不在焉的样子。

The absent-minded man put salt in his coffee and sugar on his egg.一个心不在焉的男人在咖啡里放了盐,在鸡蛋上放了糖。



报道说,本周初有报道称,美国已加速在欧洲北约基地部署一枚现代化的B61-12核弹,希望在底而不是前交付。五角大楼发言人周四对卫星通讯社说,他“知道这些报道,但目前没有什么要宣布的”(A Pentagon spokesperson told Sputnik on Thursday that he was aware of the reports but had nothing to announce at this time)。


他强调,俄罗斯的同类武器库不会对美国构成威胁,尽管“猜测”俄罗斯的武器库比美国的武器库大很多倍(He stressed that the Russian arsenal of weapons of a similar class does not pose a threat to the United States, despite "speculation" that it is many times larger than the American one.)。

这位大使说:“我们所有的战术核武器(TNW [tactical nuclear weapons] )都是在俄罗斯的集中储存设施中,不会对美国构成威胁”。

报道说,升级版的B61-12核弹原定于春季交付,但根据一份外交电报,美国官员在10月布鲁塞尔的一次非公开会议上告诉北约盟国,现在预计会在12月部署(The delivery of the upgraded version of the B61-12 nuclear bomb was originally scheduled for the spring of , but, according to a diplomatic cable, US officials told NATO allies during a closed meeting in Brussels in October that the deployment is now expected by December)。

报道的原标题是《Russian Ambassador Urges US to Bring Back Nuclear Weapons Stationed Abroad》(俄罗斯大使敦促美国撤回海外核武器


How do you feel when you have to make a speech in front of class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get really shy?

Shyness means feeling nervous or frightened when you’re around other people. Experts have found that more than 80 percent of middle school students feel afraid to be the centre of attention. Some kids are born shy. Some become shy later because of their life experiences.

It’s OK if it takes you a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people. In fact, everybody gets a little shy sometimes. It’s just a case of how much.

Most people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they get shy. But some become so shy that they won’t go to a restaurant because they are too nervous to order and pay the bill. Some are afraid of meeting new people, so they seldom go outside. This kind of shyness can be bad for a person.

If shyness doesn’t stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isn’t a very big problem. Some experts say shy people are quieter and cleverer because they think more and talk less. Shy people are also good at working with others because they think more for other people. Some great people in history were shy, too.

You see, being shy isn’t all bad. But remember not to let good chances pass by just because of it! If you have to sing a song at a birthday party or practise your spoken English in front of others, just do it! There’s nothing to be afraid of.









1. Close the door, please.

2. My home is close to my school.

3. She is my close friend.

4. The supermarket is closed at this time.


● Close这个单词,词性和意思都不是只有一种。

①动词: 关、关闭


③名词: 结束、闭幕

例如: It's cold outside, please close the



I like this cinema because it's close to

my home。


I don't have any close friends in my



The meeting comes to a close today.


●注意→ close(关)的反义词是open(开)。

be close to(离......近),反义词组

是“be far from”(离......远)




例如:The box is open.这个箱子是开着的。


1. Close the door, please.


2. My home is close to my school.


3. She is my close friend.


4. The supermarket is closed at this time.


关于close的几种考法,你掌握好了吗?还可以做一做笔记的,每天学习一点点,加油!#初中英语# #close的用法归纳#
