2000字范文 > 英语四级分数查询 中国教育考试网报名入口

英语四级分数查询 中国教育考试网报名入口

时间:2019-05-15 21:25:57


英语四级分数查询 中国教育考试网报名入口

The English proficiency test known as the CET-4 (College English Test - Level 4) is a major exam taken by millions of Chinese students every year. Students who pass the CET-4 are considered to have a basic command of the English language, including the ability to read and write simple texts, understand spoken English, and hold basic conversations in English.

Once students have taken the CET-4, they typically want to know their score as soon as possible. In this article, we will explain how to access your CET-4 score and what information is provided on the score report.

2. How to Access Your CET-4 Score

To access your CET-4 score, you will need to visit the official website of the National Education Examinations Authority (NEEA), which is the organization responsible for administering the CET-4. Once you are on the website, you can follow these steps:

1. Click on the \"CET-4\" tab.

2. Click on the \"Score Inquiry\" button.

3. Enter your name, registration number, and verification code.

4. Click on the \"Query\" button.

If you have entered your information correctly, your CET-4 score will be displayed on the screen.

3. What Information is Provided on the CET-4 Score Report?

The CET-4 score report contains several pieces of information that can help you understand how well you performed on the exam:

1. Your Total Score: This is the total number of points you earned on the exam. The maximum score for the CET-4 is 710 points.

2. Your Listening Score: This is the number of points you earned on the Listening section of the exam. The maximum score for this section is 100 points.

3. Your Reading and Writing Score: This is the number of points you earned on the Reading and Writing section of the exam. The maximum score for this section is 400 points.

4. Your Comprehensive Score: This is the number of points you earned on the Comprehensive section of the exam, which includes both the Listening and Reading and Writing sections. The maximum score for this section is 710 points.

5. Your Pass/Fail Status: If your total score is 425 points or higher, you have passed the CET-4. If your score is lower than 425 points, you have failed the exam.

4. Tips for Interpreting Your CET-4 Score

When you receive your CET-4 score, it can be helpful to understand what the score means in terms of your English proficiency. Here are some tips for interpreting your score:

1. Consider Your Goals: If you are taking the CET-4 as part of a college or job application, you will need to achieve a minimum score to meet the requirements. If you are taking the CET-4 for personal reasons, such as improving your English skills, your score may not matter as much.

2. Look at Your Comprehensive Score: Your Comprehensive score is the best indicator of your overall English proficiency, since it takes into account both your listening and reading/writing skills.

3. Focus on Your Weak Areas: If you did not perform well on one or more sections of the CET-4, you may need to focus on improving those areas in order to become more proficient in English.

4. Keep Practicing: Like any skill, English proficiency requires practice. Even if you did well on the CET-4, you can continue to improve your skills by reading, writing, and speaking in English on a regular basis.

5. Conclusion


2. 官网入口概述


3. 中国教育考试网官网地址


4. 入口位置及分类


5. 具体报名流程










6. 注意事项







