2000字范文 > 谷歌软件工程师_这是我曾经在Google担任软件工程师的简历。


时间:2023-04-26 14:34:23




by YK Sugi

由YK Sugi

这是我曾经在Google担任软件工程师的简历。 (Here’s the résumé I used to get a job at Google as a software engineer.)

Hi everyone!


On my programming-education YouTube channel called CS Dojo, many people have asked me to explain how I would go about writing a résumé for software engineer positions.

在我的编程教育YouTube频道CS Dojo上 ,许多人要求我解释如何编写软件工程师职位的简历。

So, here’s my article about it.


In this article, I’m going to first walk you through the résumé I personally used to get a software engineer job at Google.


Then, I’m going to show you how I would change it today based on what I’ve learned since then.


I’m also going to give you some general tips and advice on how to build your own software engineer résumé.


I don’t really consider myself an expert on résumé writing, but hopefully I’ll be able to provide some insights based on my personal experience, as well as some research I’ve done to write this article.


在这里查看我的简历。 (See my résumé here.)

If you’d like, you can download my résumé here as you follow along with this article.


结构 (The Structure)

First of all, let’s quickly go over what sections I have on my résumé. Then, we’ll go over each of them in turn to talk about them in more detail.

首先,让我们快速浏览一下简历中的哪些部分。 然后,我们将依次介绍它们中的每一个,以更详细地讨论它们。

From the top, I have:


Experience经验 Education教育 Technical Skills技术能力 Other Skills其他的技能 Awards获奖情况 Projects专案

经验 (Experience)

This is the part where you include the work experience you want to show. You don’t have to include every single position you’ve ever held. That’s why I didn’t include my math tutoring position. It’s less relevant than my other, more technical positions.

这是您要显示的工作经验的一部分。 您不必包括您曾经担任过的每个职位。 这就是为什么我不包括我的数学辅导职位。 它比我其他技术性职位更不重要。

If you have significant non-work experience that’s relevant, you can also include it here. For example, if you led a team for a coding competition, you might want to include it here. You could also include it in the project section, but it will stand out more in the experience section.

如果您有重要的非工作经验,也可以在此处加入。 例如,如果您领导一个团队参加编码竞赛,则可能希望将其包括在此处。 您也可以将其包括在“项目”部分中,但在“体验”部分中会更加突出。

I have four positions in my experience section:


Program Manager Intern at Microsoft微软项目经理实习生 Data Science Intern at Microsoft微软数据科学实习生 Founder and President at Data Science Club at UBC (University of British Columbia)UBC(不列颠哥伦比亚大学)数据科学俱乐部的创始人兼总裁 Software Development Intern at Moneytree (a startup in Japan)Moneytree(日本的一家初创公司)的软件开发实习生

Let’s take a look at the first position as an example.


In my résumé, it looks like this:


The headline has the following structure:


<Title> at <Company>, <Location>, <Date> as in:


Program Manager Intern at Microsoft, Redmond, WA, 5/–8/

5 / –8 / ,华盛顿州雷德蒙德,微软程序经理实习生

This is a fairly standard format.


Then, below it, I have a description of what I did:


I was responsible for designing and implementing a specific feature within Microsoft Dynamics CRM with developers and other PM’s. My responsibilities included the initial research, planning the project, designing the product, creating wireframes, and writing and executing on a spec.
我负责与开发人员和其他PM一起在Microsoft Dynamics CRM中设计和实现特定功能。 我的职责包括初步研究,计划项目,设计产品,创建线框以及根据规格编写和执行。

我今天将如何改变 (How I would change it today)

When you write your résumé, don’t necessarily assume that the reader knows all the technical terms, especially company-specific ones. In the above description, I mentioned Microsoft Dynamics CRM, but many people are not familiar with it. So, I would change it to the following:

在编写简历时,不一定要假设读者知道所有技术术语,尤其是公司特定的术语。 在上面的描述中,我提到了Microsoft Dynamics CRM,但是许多人对此并不熟悉。 因此,我将其更改为以下内容:

I was in the team that was responsible for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which is a piece of customer relationship management software. I led the effort to build a feature that allows users to easily keep track of business expenses. My responsibilities included the initial research, planning and managing the project, designing the feature, creating wireframes, and writing out our specs.
我曾在负责Microsoft Dynamics CRM的团队中工作,这是一款客户关系管理软件。 我努力构建了一个功能,使用户可以轻松跟踪业务费用。 我的职责包括初步研究,计划和管理项目,设计功能部件,创建线框以及编写规格。

Note that in addition to clarifying the termMicrosoft Dynamics CRM, I added a quick explanation about what exactly I built.

请注意,除了阐明术语Microsoft Dynamics CRM之外,我还添加了关于我实际构建的内容的快速说明。

Now, let’s take a look at another position I have in the experience section.


The headline is:Founder and President at Data Science Club at UBC, Vancouver, BC, 10/–5/

标题是:卑诗省温哥华市,UBC数据科学俱乐部的创始人兼总裁,10 / –5 /

I have three bullet points below it:


Responsible for acquiring more than 120 members负责获取120多名成员 Organized meet-ups to exchange our ideas on data science有组织的聚会来交流我们关于数据科学的想法 Formed a team of several students to work on a machine learning competition on Kaggle组建了一个由几个学生组成的团队,在Kaggle上进行机器学习比赛

First, note the use of bullet points here. Sometimes it makes it easier to read and skim the résumé.

首先,在这里注意要点的用法。 有时,它使阅读和浏览简历变得更加容易。

Also, note how I used a specific number in the first bullet point —Responsible for acquiring more than120members. Using a number often makes your accomplishment clearer. Of course, you don’talwayshave to use a number. Use it when it makes sense.

另外,请注意我在第一个要点中如何使用特定数字-负责获取120个以上的成员。 使用数字通常会使您的成就更清晰。 当然,您不必总是使用数字。 合理使用它。

我今天将如何改变 (How I would change it today)

I wouldn’t make any major edits in this one. Only minor grammatical edits.

在这一部分中,我不会做任何重大修改。 仅进行少量的语法编辑。

教育 (Education)

This is, of course, the part where you list your relevant education.


Here’s what I have:


For each university, I have the university name, location, a type of degree (BS — Bachelor’s of Science here), a major, the expected graduation date, as well as the GPA listed.

对于每所大学,我都有大学名称,位置,学位类型(这里是BS –理学学士学位),专业,预计毕业日期以及列出的GPA。

关于GPA (About GPA)

According to an article on CareerCup, the general rule of thumb is to show GPA only if it’s higher than 3.0 out of 4.0. I agree with this recommendation.

根据CareerCup上的一篇文章 ,一般的经验法则是仅在GPA高于4.0时才显示GPA。 我同意这项建议。

我今天将如何改变 (How I would change it today)

I would keep this section as-is. Let’s go to the next section.

我将保持本节不变。 让我们进入下一部分。

技术能力 (Technical Skills)

Here’s what I listed under this section on my résumé:


Wireframing:Balsamiq, Microsoft PowerPoint

线框图:Balsamiq,Microsoft PowerPoint

Visual Design:Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator

视觉设计:Adobe InDesign,Photoshop,Illustrator

Statistical Analysis:R


Machine Learning:Python with NumPy and Pandas, Ruby, Spark (prior experience)


Programming Technologies:SQL, MATLAB, Ruby on Rails, Java

编程技术:SQL,MATLAB,Ruby on Rails,Java

Programming Technologies, front end:JavaScript, HTML/CSS, LaTeX

编程技术,前端:JavaScript,HTML / CSS,LaTeX

Version Control: Git, GitHub, Bitbucket


I would say that I listed way too many things here. I would cut it down to just these two:

我会说我在这里列出了太多的东西。 我将其简化为以下两个:

Data Science:R, Python with NumPy and Pandas, Spark (prior experience)


Programming Technologies:SQL, MATLAB, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Java, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

编程技术:SQL,MATLAB,Ruby,Ruby on Rails,Java,JavaScript,HTML / CSS

I would only list these two, because the other skills were less relevant in this case.


Also, note how I putSpark (prior experience)to show that I have some experience with Spark, but I’m not proficient with it.


其他的技能(Other Skills)

You can use this section if you want to include other relevant skills. I included Japanese and public speaking in this section.

如果要包括其他相关技能,可以使用此部分。 我在本节中包括了日语和公众演讲。

我今天将如何改变(How I would change it today)

I would cut this section out entirely since it’s not that relevant to the software engineer position I was applying for.


奖项与项目 (Awards and Projects)

Include relevant awards and projects in these sections.


The word “relevant” is important here. If you won second place in a regional karate championship, for example, it’s probably not that relevant.

“相关”一词在这里很重要。 例如,如果您在区域空手道锦标赛中获得第二名,那可能就没那么重要了。

However, you might want to include it if it’sreallyimpressive — for example, competing on a national or international level with karate.


I have one award and three projects on my résumé.


奖项 (The award)

Here is the award I have on my résumé:


TELUS / IEEE Student Innovation Challenge

TELUS / IEEE学生创新挑战赛

我将如何改变(How I would change it)

I would clarify my wording a bit so it’s easier to read. Maybe something like:

我会澄清一下措辞,以便于阅读。 也许像这样:

TELUS / IEEE Student Innovation Challenge

TELUS / IEEE学生创新挑战赛

专案 (Projects)

Now, in addition to this award, I listed three projects which I thought would be the most impressive.


One of them was this one:


YamBomb! ,August


Note how I used a specific number (70 users) here as well. I also mentioned the tech I used for this project — Ruby on Rails and the Yammer API. (Yammer is a website by Microsoft, and it’s kind of like Facebook that’s used to communicate internally within a company.)

请注意,我也是如何在此处使用特定号码(70个用户)的。 我还提到了我用于该项目的技术-Ruby on Rails和Yammer API。 (Yammer是Microsoft的网站,有点像Facebook,它在公司内部用于内部通信。)

我现在将如何更改(How I would change it now)

No major edits here.


我今天将如何编辑整个简历 (How I would edit the entire résumé today)

Now, there is one major issue with this résumé I used back then — it was too long. It’s about 2 pages, and ideally, it should be one page.

现在,我当时使用的这个简历存在一个主要问题-太长了。 大约2页,理想情况下应该是一页。

Let’s see if we can get it down to a single page.


I was, in fact, able to get it down to one page. Here are some of the major changes I made:

实际上,我能够将其缩小到一页。 以下是我进行的一些主要更改:

I took offFounder and President at Data Science Club at UBCfrom the experience section. It’s good, but less relevant than the other ones.

我从经验部门接任了UBC数据科学俱乐部的创始人兼总裁。 很好,但与其他主题的相关性较差。

I took offSuffolk Universityfrom the education section. It’s not too relevant since I had already transferred out of it.

我从教育部门起飞了萨福克大学。 因为我已经转移了它,所以它不太相关。

I combined the awards and projects sections into justProjects, and listed only 2 projects.


Now, what I omitted would’ve been perfectly good information to show on my résumé. It’s just that they were less impressive and relevant than the other things I listed.

现在,我所忽略的将是在履历表上显示的非常好的信息。 只是它们没有我列出的其他东西那么令人印象深刻和相关。

Just by omitting those pieces of information, my résumé became much easier and quicker to read.


好的,这是我的简历的编辑后的一页版本: (Okay, here’s the edited, one-page version of my résumé:)



Word (.docx)


Pages (.pages)


Feel free to use it as a template.


现在,这里是一些关键要点。 (Now, here are some key takeaways.)

1.把自己放在招聘者/招聘经理的鞋子上。(1. Put yourself in the shoes of the recruiter/hiring manager.)

Don’t automatically assume that they will be familiar with every technical term you are familiar with. Think about what’s commonly used and not so commonly used in your particular field.

不要自动假设他们会熟悉您熟悉的每个技术术语。 想一想在您的特定领域中哪些是常用的,哪些不是常用的。

Also, keep refining your paragraphs so they are easy to read. Use short sentences. Clarify what’s not clear. It’s probably a good idea to have a friend of yours read it for you to make sure everything is clear.

此外,请不断完善您的段落,以使其易于阅读。 使用简短的句子。 澄清不清楚的地方。 最好让您的一个朋友读一遍,以确保一切都清楚。

2.忽略任何不太相关的内容。(2. Omit anything that’s not too relevant.)

Speaking Japanese is a good skill, but it wasn’t relevant for the particular position I was applying for. So, I didn’t really have to list it.

说日语是一种很好的技能,但与我申请的特定职位无关。 因此,我并没有真正列出它。

3.与数量无关。关于质量。(3. It’s not about the quantity. It’s about the quality.)

If you show 4 projects instead of 2 projects, is it always better? Well, not necessarily.

如果显示4个项目而不是2个项目,它总是更好吗? 好吧,不一定。

Having more information on your résumé clutters it out, and it makes it harder to find important information.


但是,您可能会说-您仍然没有做任何一件事情就得到了这份工作! (But, you might say — you still got the job without doing any of these!)

Yes, that’s true. I think it’s important to build an easy-to-read résumé, but it’s even more important to build strong skills and experience first to show on your résumé.

是的,这是真的。 我认为构建易于阅读的简历很重要,但更重要的是首先构建强大的技能和经验以在简历中显示。

一些其他提示/建议 (Some additional tips/advice)

我应该首先列出教育程度还是工作经历?(Should I list education first, or work experience first?)

The general rule of thumb is, list whichever one’s more impressive/relevant.


For me, I had some good experience with Microsoft, which was more impressive than my education. That’s why I listed it first.

对我来说,我在Microsoft方面有一些很好的经验,这比我受过的教育更令人印象深刻。 这就是为什么我首先列出它。

If you’re still in school, my default choice would be to show your education first. But if anything from your experience stands out, then put the experience section first.

如果您还在上学,我的默认选择是首先显示您的学历。 但是,如果您的经验中有什么与众不同,则将“经验”部分放在第一位。

我应该包括我的电子邮件地址,电话号码和位置吗? (Should I include my email address, phone number, and location?)

You should always include your email address, but other than that, it’s up to you.


I only included my email address in my résumé to keep it simple. However, if you want to show that you’re in a certain location, or if you want to include your phone number, go ahead and do so as well.

为了简化起见,我只在简历中包含了我的电子邮件地址。 但是,如果您想表明自己在某个位置,或者想要包括您的电话号码,请继续进行。

如果我还没有那么多经验可以显示呢? (What if I don’t have that much experience to show on my résumé yet?)

Basically, you should think about all the skills and experience you’ve gained up to this point, and think about how they might lead to the next step.


As an example, here’s how I did it:


I had next to no experience a few years before I applied to Google.在申请Google几年之前,我几乎没有任何经验。 So, I built a simple website with Ruby on Rails, which I learned on my own.因此,我使用Ruby on Rails建立了一个简单的网站,这是我自己学习的。 Using this project, I got my first technical internship in Japan.通过这个项目,我在日本获得了第一笔技术实习。 Using this, combined with my statistics background, I got a data science internship at Microsoft.结合我的统计背景,我在Microsoft获得了数据科学实习机会。 Using that experience and the connections I built there, I got my second internship at Microsoft.利用这些经验以及在那建立的联系,我获得了第二个微软实习机会。 Using all of these, I got my full-time software engineer job at Google.使用所有这些,我在Google获得了专职软件工程师的工作。

I like to think of it sort of like a snowball.


It might be just tiny at the beginning, but if you keep building on it, it will just keep growing.


以下是编写软件工程师简历的一些其他资源: (Here are some additional resources for writing a software engineer résumé:)

There’s a nice overview about this topic on CareerCup here.

有关于CareerCup这个话题很好的概述这里 。

My friend Zhia Hwa Chong, who is a software engineer at Twitter, has a nice article about it here.

我的朋友Zhia Hwa Chong是Twitter的一名软件工程师,在这里有一篇很好的文章 。

Quincy Larson, Teacher / Founder of freeCodeCamp, also has a nice article on this topic here.

昆西拉尔森 ,老师/ freeCodeCamp的创始人,也有关于这个主题一个很好的文章在这里 。

Okay, good luck, and thank you as always for reading my article!


If you have any questions about this or anything else, please feel free to let me know in a comment below or on Instagram or Twitter (@ykdojo on both).

如果您对此有任何疑问,请随时在下面的评论中或在Instagram或Twitter (两者均为@ykdojo)上让我知道。

翻译自: /news/heres-the-resume-i-used-to-get-a-job-at-google-as-a-software-engineer-26516526f29a/

