2000字范文 > 人教版(PEP)小学六年级上册英语知识点【三 四 五单元】

人教版(PEP)小学六年级上册英语知识点【三 四 五单元】

时间:2018-12-21 19:35:08


人教版(PEP)小学六年级上册英语知识点【三 四 五单元】

#六年级# 导语对于英语学习要制定一个长期学习计划,切忌三天打鱼两天晒网。一定要把英语学习当成一种习惯,每天抽出至少一小时进行学习,保证自己所学的英语知识巩固、预习将学的英语知识,并根据英语题型进行专项训练, 考 网准备了以下内容,供大家参考。

Unit 3 What are you going to do ?


this morning 今天上午

this afternoon 今天下午

thisevening 今天晚上

next week 下周

tomorrow 明天

tonight 今晚

post card 明信片

comic book漫画书



1.What are you going to do on the weekend?你周末打算做什么?

2.I’m going to visit mygrandparents this weekend?这个周末我打算去看望我的外祖父母。

3.Where are you going this afternoon? 你今天下午打算去哪里?

4.I’m going to thebookstore.我打算去书店。

5.What are you going to buy?你打算去买什么?

6.I’m going to buy a comicbook.我打算去买一本漫画书。


1、What are you goingto do?你想做什么?询问他人在未来的打算。be going to 后面要跟动词的原形。注意be going to be 意思是 "打算成为什么,干什么职业。"注意一下句子的区别,找出正确回答。What are you going to do this afternoon?What are you going tobuy?What are you going to be?When? are you going?Where are you going?How areyou going?Who are you going with?

2、this evening 和 tonight的 区别:this evening指的是今天晚上睡觉以前的时间,一般指晚上十二点以前。而tonight指的是今晚,一般是指一整晚的时间,通宵。


(1)What 什么。用来问是什么,做什么,叫什么,什么样等等。如:What is your name? 你的名字叫什么?

What is your father? 你爸爸是干什么的?

What is your hobby?你的爱好是什么?

What is your favourite food?你最喜爱的食物是什么?

Whats your math teacher like? 你的数学老师长得什么样子?

(2)Where , 在哪里,到哪里。用来问地点。

如:Where are you from?你从哪里来?

Where are you going to ?你打算去哪里?

Where is my ruler?我的尺子在哪里?


When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

When are you going to ?你打算什么时候去?

When do you go to school?你什么时候去上学?

(4)what time 几点了。用来问具体的时间,

如:What time is it? 现在几点了?

(5)What colour 什么颜色。用来问物体的颜色。如:

What colour is your schoolbag?你的书包是什么颜色的?

(6)What kind of 什么种类。用来问类别。如

What kind of fruit do you like?你最喜欢哪一种水果?

(7)who 谁。用来问人物是谁。如:

Who is your English teacher ?你的英语老师是谁?

Whos that man? 那个男人是谁?

(8) whose 谁的。用来问物体的主人是谁?如:

Whose pencil is this? 这是谁的铅笔?

Whose bike is blue? 谁的自行车是蓝色的?

(9) which 哪一个。用来问具体的哪一个。如:

Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?

Which pencil is kens? the long one or theshort one?


(10)how 怎样?用来问身体状况,或者事情的状况,对事件的看法等。如:

How are you?你好吗?

How is your mother? *妈好吗?

How about you? 你呢?

(11)how many 多少个。用来问有多少个,后面要跟名词的复数形式。如:

How many books do you have?你有多少本书?

How many kites can you see? 你能看见多少只风筝?

(12) how much 多少钱。用来问物体的价钱。如:

How much are they? 他们多少钱?

How much is your schoolbag? 你的书包多少钱?

(13)how old 几岁了。用来问年龄。如

How old are you ? 你几岁了?

How old is your father? 你爸爸多大了?

(14)why 为什么。用来问原因,一般要用because来回答。如:why doyou like spring?你为什么喜欢春天?

Because I can fly kites.国为我可以放风筝。

(15) how long 多长

(16)how tall 多高

4、I want to be…我想成为… 表示理想。相当于Im going tobe ….


fruit stand 水果店? clothesshop服装店? shoe store鞋店? pet shop宠物店? theme park主题公园? the Great Wall长城? plant shop 植物店restaurant 饭店 bus stop 公交车站

6、在哪个门用介词at, at thenorth/east/south/west gate.

Unit 4 what’s your hobby?


hobby爱好 ride a bike骑自行车 dive跳水 play theviolin拉小提琴 make kites制作风筝 collect stamps集邮 live居住 teaches教 Watches观看 goes去 does doesn’t=does not city 城市 county 国家或者乡村 province 省


1.What’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?

2.I like collecting stamps. 我喜欢集邮。

3.He likes collecting stamps, too.他也喜欢集邮

4.Does she teach English?

——No, she doesn’t. 她教英语吗? 不。

5.Does she teach you math?

——Yes, she does.她教你数学吗? 是的。




(1)一般情况下,在动词的后面直接加ing。如:play-playingread-reading do-doing go-going


(3)以单元音加单辅音结尾的重读闭音节,要双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing。如:run-running swim-swimming? put-puttingsit-sitting2、记住like后面要加动词ing,说爱好有三种说法:①Ilike swimming.②Swimming is my hobby.③My hobby is swimming.注意:She likes drawing pictures, listening to music and making kites.这几个爱好是并列的,都是在like后面,所以都要加ing.








②以字母s, x, o , sh , ch结尾的动词,在词尾加es。如:do-doeswash-washeteach-teachesgo-goes pass-passes



④以f , fe结尾的名词,先把f,fe变为v,再加-es.


(4)在一个第三人称单数的句子中,只要句子中出现了does或者其否定形式doesn .该句子中的其他动词就要使用原形。

(5)第三人称单数的肯定句在变为否定句时,在动词的前面加doesn . 动词恢复原形。如:He lives in Beijing.---He doesn live in Beijing.

(6) 第三人称单数的陈述句在变为一般疑问句时,用does开头,后面的动词也要变为原形。如:He lives in Beijing.---Does he live in Beijing?注意:用来does,后面的动词就不能用第三人称形式。

3、注意几个单词的变化:hobby(复数形式)-hobbieshave to(同义词)-mussame(反义词)---differentlookthe same 看起来一样

Unit 5 what does your mother do?


Singer歌手 writer作家 actor男演员 actress女演员 artist画家T V reporter 电视台记者 engineer工程师 accountant会计 policeman警察 Cleaner清洁工 salesperson售货员work工作


1.What does your mother do? *妈是干什么的?

2.She is a TV reporter. 她是一个电视播音员。

3.Where does she work? 她在哪儿工作?

4.She works in a school. 她在学校工作。

5.How does she go to work? 她怎么去工作?

6.She goes to work by bus. 她乘公交车去工作。



teach-teacher clean-cleaner sing-singerdance-dancer

drive-driver write-writer TV report-TVreporter

act-actor act-actress art-artistengine-engineerplay basketball/football/baseball-basketball/football/baseballplayer

2、提问职业有两种方式: What isyour father? 或者What does your father do?


a singer/writer/TV reorteranactor/actress/artist/engineer/accountant

4、What are you goingto be ?问的是长大想干什么,注意用"be". Im going to be a …记住p61和63有关职业信息的内容


shoe/car/air-conditioner company? 鞋/汽车/空调公司





以上三个基本步骤可以用三个字来概括,即:定,问,提。例如:This is a book.

①This is what. ②Is this what ③What is this ?



(1). 如果句子的划线部分是主语,只找出相应的特殊疑问词,用来代替划线部分即可。如:

1)He teaches us English. Who teaches usEnglish?

2)My mothers clothes are over there. Whoseclothes are over there?

(2). 如果句子的划线部分是谓语(包括谓语动词),不论原来的谓语动词是何种形式(时态、语态),都要将谓语动词变为do的相应的形式:不论原来的谓语动词后面跟的是人、物还是地点,一律用What来代替。如:

1)They are playing football.

①They are doing what. ②Are they doing what? ③What are they doing?

2)They wolf is going to kill that man.

①They wolf is going to do what. ②Is the wolf going todo what?

③What is the wolf going to do?

(3). 如果句子的划线部分是定语,并且在谓语部分,这时,需将特殊疑问词和紧跟其后的名词一起提到句首。如:

1)That is his pen.

①That is whose pen. ②Is that whose pen ③Whose pen is that?

对定语划线部分提问题,如果划线部分是所属关系,特殊疑问词用whose;如果划线部分指具体的"某一个"时特殊疑问词用which;如果划线部分指内容或职业时,特殊疑问词用what;如果划线部分指数量时,特殊疑问词用how many(可数)或how much(不可数)。如:

1) They are the legs of the desk.

①They are whose legs. ②Are they whose legs? ③Whose legs are they?

2)I like red one.

①You like which one. ②Do you like which one? ③Which one do youlike?

3)They have five English books.

They have how many English books.

Do they have how many English books?

How many English books do they have?

职业男女的称呼区别:actor-actres salesman-saleswoman salesperson 男女售货员都可以mailman-mailperson
