2000字范文 > 只用html+js+css实现2048小游戏(带源码)


时间:2021-10-28 04:38:13





<script src="/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script><h1>通过四个方向键移动</h1><div class="container text-center" id="2048"></div><script>$(document).ready(function () {$("#2048").init2048();});</script>


.holder2048 {width: 280px;height: 380px;position: relative;margin: 0 auto;}.holder2048>.container {width: 280px;height: 280px;position: relative;margin: 0 auto;border-style: none;border: 3px solid #BBADA0;background-color: #CCC0B3;}.holder2048>.container>.mask {width: 70px;height: 70px;position: absolute;box-sizing: border-box;-moz-box-sizing: border-box;-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;border: 3px solid #BBADA0;}.holder2048>.container>.box {width: 66px;height: 66px;background-color: Black;position: absolute;color: #776E65;font-size: x-large;font-weight: bolder;font-family: Arial;text-align: center;line-height: 70px;}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='2'] {background-color: #FFF8D7}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='4'] {background-color: #FFED97}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='8'] {background-color: #FFBB77}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='16'] {background-color: #FF9224}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='32'] {background-color: #FF5809}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='64'] {background-color: #EA0000}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='128'] {background-color: #FFFF37}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='256'] {background-color: #F9F900}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='512'] {background-color: #E1E100}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='1024'] {background-color: #C4C400}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='2048'] {background-color: #9AFF02}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='4096'] {background-color: #00FFFF}.holder2048>.container>.box[value='8192'] {background-color: #FF00FF}


(function ($) {/*** User options*/var defaults = {delay: 200 //Game speed};$.fn.init2048 = function (_options) {var _this = this,options = $.extend(defaults, _options),dir = {up: 'up',right: 'right',down: 'down',left: 'left'},holder = {}, //Game outer holdercontent = {}, //Game inner containermatrix = [], //For the logic behindboxes = [], //Boxes storageisCheating = 0,isGameOver = false;resetGame();bind();/*** Restart the game by recreate all DOM elements.*/function resetGame() {//Reset the propsboxes = [];matrix = [];isCheating = 0;isGameOver = false;//Recreate DOM elementsholder = $('<div>').addClass('holder2048');content = $('<div>').addClass('container').appendTo(holder);for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {//Reset matrixmatrix[i * 4 + j] = {top: i * 70,left: j * 70,taken: false,combined: false,value: 0};//This is for the borders of each cell.$('<div>').addClass('mask').css({left: j * 70 + "px",top: i * 70 + "px"}).appendTo(content);}}//Create the first box on boardcreateBox();//Insert game holder and anything to whoever calls this function_this.html(holder);}/*** Just for fun.* Reset the game and place a 4096 box on the board.*/function cheat() {resetGame();createBox(4096);}/*** Create a box and add to game* Takes 1 or 0 param.** @param value*/function createBox(value) {//Check if there are spaces for a new box or notvar emptyMatrix = 0;for (var i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {if (!matrix[i].taken) {emptyMatrix++;}}if (emptyMatrix === 0) {return;}//Chose an actual index (means not taken) randomly for the new boxvar random = Math.floor(Math.random() * emptyMatrix + 1);var chosenIndex = 0;for (var j = 0; chosenIndex < matrix.length; chosenIndex++) {while (matrix[chosenIndex].taken) {chosenIndex++;}if (++j === random) {matrix[chosenIndex].taken = true;break;}}//Do the create jobvalue = value ? value : (Math.floor(Math.random() * 4 + 1) === 4 ? 4 : 2); //Use the value parse in or (1/4 -> 4 or 3/4 -> 2)var newBox = $('<div>').addClass('box').attr({position: chosenIndex,value: value}).css({marginTop: matrix[chosenIndex].top + 2,marginLeft: matrix[chosenIndex].left + 2,opacity: 0}).text(value).appendTo(content).animate({opacity: 1}, options.delay * 2);//Finally push it to the boxes arrayboxes.push(newBox);}/*** Combine 2 boxes into 1* @param source* @param target* @param value*/function combineBox(source, target, value) {var _value = parseInt(value) * 2;boxes[target].attr('value', _value).html(_value).css({zIndex: 99}).animate({width: '+=20',height: '+=20',marginTop: '-=10',marginLeft: '-=10'}, options.delay / 2, function () {$(this).animate({width: '-=20',height: '-=20',marginTop: '+=10',marginLeft: '+=10'}, options.delay / 2, function () {$(this).css({zIndex: 1})})});boxes[source].remove();boxes.splice(source, 1);}/*** Check if game over* @returns {boolean}*/function gameOver() {if (boxes.length != 16) {return false;}var i, a, b;for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {for (a = 0; a < 16; a++) {if (boxes[a].attr('position') == i)break;}if (i % 4 != 3) {for (b = 0; b < 16; b++) {if (boxes[b].attr('position') == i + 1)break;}if (boxes[a].attr('value') == boxes[b].attr('value'))return false;}if (i < 12) {for (b = 0; b < 16; b++) {if (boxes[b].attr('position') == i + 4)break;}if (boxes[a].attr('value') == boxes[b].attr('value'))return false;}}return true;}/*** Game run* @param dir*/function gameRun(dir) {if (isGameOver) {return;}if (run(dir)) {createBox();}if (gameOver()) {isGameOver = true;alert("Game Over");}}/*** Bind keyboard and screen touch events to game*/function bind() {$(window).keydown(function (event) {if (!isGameOver) {if (event.which == 37) {event.preventDefault();gameRun(dir.left);} else if (event.which == 38) {event.preventDefault();gameRun(dir.up);} else if (event.which == 39) {event.preventDefault();gameRun(dir.right);} else if (event.which == 40) {event.preventDefault();gameRun(dir.down);}}});var touchStartClientX, touchStartClientY;document.addEventListener("touchstart", function (event) {if (event.touches.length > 1)return;touchStartClientX = event.touches[0].clientX;touchStartClientY = event.touches[0].clientY;});document.addEventListener("touchmove", function (event) {event.preventDefault();});document.addEventListener("touchend", function (event) {if (event.touches.length > 0)return;var dx = event.changedTouches[0].clientX - touchStartClientX;var absDx = Math.abs(dx);var dy = event.changedTouches[0].clientY - touchStartClientY;var absDy = Math.abs(dy);if (Math.max(absDx, absDy) > 10) {if (absDx > absDy) {if (dx > 0) {gameRun(dir.right);} else {gameRun(dir.left);}} else {if (dy > 0) {gameRun(dir.down);} else {gameRun(dir.up);}}}});}/*** [WARNING] This method is ugly enough for now. Waiting for refactor.** Make a single game move.* Takes 1 param.** @param dir* @returns {boolean}*/function run(dir) {var isMoved = false; //This is to indicate that if the game actually moved after calling this functionvar i, j, k, empty, _empty, position, value1, value2, temp; //Junks//Reset the matrix attr 'combined' before movingfor (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {matrix[i].combined = false;}if (dir == "left") {isCheating = -1;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {empty = i * 4;_empty = empty;for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {position = i * 4 + j;if (!matrix[position].taken) {continue;}if (matrix[position].taken && position === empty) {empty++;if (empty - 2 >= _empty) {for (k = 0; k < boxes.length; k++) {if (boxes[k].attr("position") == position) {break;}}value1 = boxes[k].attr('value');for (temp = 0; temp < boxes.length; temp++) {if (boxes[temp].attr("position") == empty - 2) {break;}}value2 = boxes[temp].attr('value');if (value1 == value2 && !matrix[empty - 2].combined) {combineBox(k, temp, value1);matrix[empty - 1].taken = false;matrix[empty - 2].combined = true;empty--;isMoved = true;}}} else {for (k = 0; k < boxes.length; k++) {if (boxes[k].attr("position") == position) {break;}}boxes[k].animate({marginLeft: matrix[empty].left + 2,marginTop: matrix[empty].top + 2}, options.delay);boxes[k].attr('position', empty);matrix[empty].taken = true;matrix[position].taken = false;empty++;isMoved = true;if (empty - 2 >= _empty) {value1 = boxes[k].attr('value');for (temp = 0; temp < boxes.length; temp++) {if (boxes[temp].attr("position") == empty - 2) {break;}}value2 = boxes[temp].attr('value');if (value1 == value2 && !matrix[empty - 2].combined) {combineBox(k, temp, value1);matrix[empty - 1].taken = false;matrix[empty - 2].combined = true;empty--;}}}}}} else if (dir == "right") {isCheating = -1;for (i = 3; i > -1; i--) {empty = i * 4 + 3;_empty = empty;for (j = 3; j > -1; j--) {position = i * 4 + j;if (!matrix[position].taken) {continue;}if (matrix[position].taken && position === empty) {empty--;if (empty + 2 <= _empty) {for (k = 0; k < boxes.length; k++) {if (boxes[k].attr("position") == position) {break;}}value1 = boxes[k].attr('value');for (temp = 0; temp < boxes.length; temp++) {if (boxes[temp].attr("position") == empty + 2) {break;}}value2 = boxes[temp].attr('value');if (value1 == value2 && !matrix[empty + 2].combined) {combineBox(k, temp, value1);matrix[empty + 1].taken = false;matrix[empty + 2].combined = true;empty++;isMoved = true;}}} else {for (k = 0; k < boxes.length; k++) {if (boxes[k].attr("position") == position) {break;}}boxes[k].animate({marginLeft: matrix[empty].left + 2,marginTop: matrix[empty].top + 2}, options.delay);boxes[k].attr('position', empty);matrix[empty].taken = true;matrix[position].taken = false;empty--;isMoved = true;if (empty + 2 <= _empty) {value1 = boxes[k].attr('value');for (temp = 0; temp < boxes.length; temp++) {if (boxes[temp].attr("position") == empty + 2) {break;}}value2 = boxes[temp].attr('value');if (value1 == value2 && !matrix[empty + 2].combined) {combineBox(k, temp, value1);matrix[empty + 1].taken = false;matrix[empty + 2].combined = true;empty++;}}}}}} else if (dir == "up") {isCheating = -1;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {empty = i;_empty = empty;for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {position = j * 4 + i;if (!matrix[position].taken) {continue;}if (matrix[position].taken && position === empty) {empty += 4;if (empty - 8 >= _empty) {for (k = 0; k < boxes.length; k++) {if (boxes[k].attr("position") == position) {break;}}value1 = boxes[k].attr('value');for (temp = 0; temp < boxes.length; temp++) {if (boxes[temp].attr("position") == empty - 8) {break;}}value2 = boxes[temp].attr('value');if (value1 == value2 && !matrix[empty - 8].combined) {combineBox(k, temp, value1);matrix[empty - 4].taken = false;matrix[empty - 8].combined = true;empty -= 4;isMoved = true;}}} else {for (k = 0; k < boxes.length; k++) {if (boxes[k].attr("position") == position) {break;}}boxes[k].animate({marginLeft: matrix[empty].left + 2,marginTop: matrix[empty].top + 2}, options.delay);boxes[k].attr('position', empty);matrix[empty].taken = true;matrix[position].taken = false;empty += 4;isMoved = true;if (empty - 8 >= _empty) {value1 = boxes[k].attr('value');for (temp = 0; temp < boxes.length; temp++) {if (boxes[temp].attr("position") == empty - 8) {break;}}value2 = boxes[temp].attr('value');if (value1 == value2 && !matrix[empty - 8].combined) {combineBox(k, temp, value1);matrix[empty - 4].taken = false;matrix[empty - 8].combined = true;empty -= 4;}}}}}} else if (dir == "down") {if (isCheating != -1) {isCheating++;if (isCheating == 10) {cheat();return true;}}for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {empty = i + 12;_empty = empty;for (j = 3; j > -1; j--) {position = j * 4 + i;if (!matrix[position].taken) {continue;}if (matrix[position].taken && position === empty) {empty -= 4;if (empty + 8 <= _empty) {for (k = 0; k < boxes.length; k++) {if (boxes[k].attr("position") == position) {break;}}value1 = boxes[k].attr('value');for (temp = 0; temp < boxes.length; temp++) {if (boxes[temp].attr("position") == empty + 8) {break;}}value2 = boxes[temp].attr('value');if (value1 == value2 && !matrix[empty + 8].combined) {combineBox(k, temp, value1);matrix[empty + 4].taken = false;matrix[empty + 8].combined = true;empty += 4;isMoved = true;}}} else {for (k = 0; k < boxes.length; k++) {if (boxes[k].attr("position") == position) {break;}}boxes[k].animate({marginLeft: matrix[empty].left + 2,marginTop: matrix[empty].top + 2}, options.delay);boxes[k].attr('position', empty);matrix[empty].taken = true;matrix[position].taken = false;empty -= 4;isMoved = true;if (empty + 8 <= _empty) {value1 = boxes[k].attr('value');for (temp = 0; temp < boxes.length; temp++) {if (boxes[temp].attr("position") == empty + 8) {break;}}value2 = boxes[temp].attr('value');if (value1 == value2 && !matrix[empty + 8].combined) {combineBox(k, temp, value1);matrix[empty + 4].taken = false;matrix[empty + 8].combined = true;empty += 4;}}}}}}return isMoved;}}})(jQuery);
