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时间:2023-03-25 10:32:54




1 Why cats meow?2 Proper cup of tea ?3 Working memory ?4 Dogs saving lives?

1 Why cats meow?

youtube视频观看Why Do Cats Miaow? | Cats Uncovered | BBC


it's early morning. and tigers,but the strange black cat on a nearby roof. and listen to this.chattering may simply be a sound of frustration, but no one's really sure.Rocky out for a stroll in the afternoon. makes this noise when another cat blocks his way.but the story of cat communication is a lot more surprising than this. there's one noise we've hardly heard.it rarely happens when the cats are out with each other. to understand what's going on,she wasn't dinner.we have to go back to the beginning.and the youngest members of the study.biologist doctor john Bradshaw can explain why these one week old kittens meow.the meow starts off as a kitten.vocalization is something that kittens use in order to call their mothers over.and and as you can see,it's very effective in doing that.the mother is very attentive to those meows . and then as the kitten grows up,it,gradually stops meow,presumably,just because of me,i stops working.the mother wants to win the kitten and stops responding with a pet cat,which is constantly meowing at its owner. it's a way of getting the attention.that's because we are not very vigilant creatures.we spend a lot of our time with our noses buried in books,or computer screens,or tvs.and the cat h cat learns independently.we think that using this piece of kitten behavior is a good way of getting our attention.so meowingis a good way of getting to look up and find out what it is they want from us.Hurry you go,henry.can't say hello.so cats have two different languages,one for each other.Helloand one for us. scientists have found cats make a huge range of meows. and they wondered if there was a universal cat,human language.is it true that just does n't? there was quiet.yeah, they make that funny little noise go meowscientists have discovered that every cat's meows are unique. each cat learns which noises work best in certain situations. developing a special language that only their owner will understand.when they want food, it's a much more prolonged meow.the hungry.miss Piggy's learn how to say milk so she does a proper milk meow.here is a nice.and when i catch me out,there's one thing that almost every owner in the study said they did.did you go hunting today?talk back. pretty go here,pretty cool.i was pretty good.big see you lovely girl.yeah.talking comes naturally to us.and every kitten that spends time with people.loans that to communicate with us,they have to make a noise.

2 Proper cup of tea ?

youtube 视频观看How you’ve been making tea WRONG your entire life - BBC


i've always been told that there is a proper way to make a cup of tea, and it looks like this loose leaf tea, porcelain teapot, a tea strainer and some patience. but ninety six percent of us make a brew using a tea bag. so what are the golden rules when making a copper?using a mug and a bag.an expert in the science of tea making doctor stewart bond has three top tips.we're starting with the takeaway tea we're all familiar with, brewed in a styrofoam cup.cherry,good to see you,nice to see.dr chee,first off,i want you to make a cup of tea with a tea bag,as you would do normally.Ok boil some water.tea bag in ...leaves a lot to be designed cherry.did you see that? what is wrong with this cup of tea, you're using a styrofoam cup,which is a particularly bad wave of making tea.styrofoam absorbs flavor molecules,reducing the tastiness of the team. says stews,first tip is choose what you drink from wisely.there's a lot of psychology behind when we taste things. so here we have a nice red mug.i love that color.that's actually the same colour as my mom got home.the same drink out of a red mark will taste sweeter than the one as for white mug.so our brain is a huge factor in how we take.research shows that we associate certain colours with certain tastes,red suggests ripeness and sweetness.what else don't you like about my cup of teatype of water that using that is hard water now happens when when you use hard water to make a cup of tea. sometimes get that scum on the top.i got the skull lovely.so what's happening is some of the flavor compounds i'll react with the calcium,and then they fall,missed gummy lez ,you actually losing flag,what you seeing on the top there is actually some of the flavor that's being lost in that scum.Tip two,if you have hard water,filter it before boiling.this removes some of the calcium and magnesium residues and you'll get a tastier. clearer up now,i've got my cup and my water right stew was ready with his most important top tea bag tip. i would like you now to make yourself a equity,but we're going to leave it longer,five minutes,five minutes.that's a long time. the amount of time that we steep our tea bag.for.does make a fiction,surely the team will be ruins.try and see what you think.OK tea bagging.here we go.i mean,i would never have the patience to bring my hear this song. t is a long time,but it's going to be too hot to drink anyway,say you gotta leave it.just more of the flavor coming out,and also more caffeine comes out.the stronger the tea will be.there's also moving antioxidants coming out.tea is a great science,and these are natural substances that our body uses to help fight disease.so it's important that you leave it to a brew.three.two one,quick,get it out.okay.doctors stew can show me the difference of five minute brew make to levels of caffeine and antioxidants in tea. a you be spectrometer measures the light, the caffeine absorbs,revealing its concentration. so if analyze that data,and we found the amount of caffeine in the two cups of tea, so in your cuppa just thirty seconds there is thirty five milligrams of caffeine in that cup was in mine.we're coming up to fifty milligrams of caffeine if you a bit more patient,you get more bang for your buck doing the.and it's not only caffeine that increases with that longer brew,antioxidant levels more than double leaving it that extra period of timeIf you're a bit more patient , you will get more bang for your buckYou do thisAnd it's not only caffeine that increase with that longer brew . Antioxidant levels more than double .Leaving it for that extra period of time you're getting a lot more of the healthy benefits that are in the tea. but does any of this actually make any difference to taste?can you tell me if you think it was worth it?this. actually has flavor and tastes delicious,and it makes this tastes like.hot water. So the mug.the water,the color,the flavor.it is without those the perfect of the tea.

3 Working memory ?

youtube视频观看Chimp vs Human! | Memory Test | BBC Earth


The scientists at Japan's Primate Research Institute (the PRI) where Ayumu is based, have devised intelligence tests for chimps.one test is for what's called working memory,the brain's ability to temporarily store and use information.the numbers one to nine,a randomly scattered across a touchscreen.the chimp looks at them for as long as is needed to memorize the layout,then as soon as one is touched the other numbers are hidden and must now be remembered.we volunteered chris,the director of this program to demonstrate this test.he's a college graduate and a crossword addict. but how good is his working memory?when chris reckons he has memorised a layout,he touches one when the others are hidden, he must try to recall two to nine in ascending order.it takes me ages to remember where they all plates,and then i think i've got it. it's really very very difficult.being thirty attempts,chris only once reached nine without making a mistake.soon as their blanked over. it's like my mind's been blanked over,as well.when are you move at the same test? he correctly remembered the numbers,almost ninety percent of the time. are you may gets it right almost every time,and i've got it right once.crispy is he's let his species down. but even when the pr i played a umu against their best human students who were given regular practice sessions,are you move,still beat all humans?other chimps at the PRI have also sat the exams among these apes.could computer skills are as normal as the ability to swim from the trees.though none of his rivals beat a umu,a few came close,and average chip results turned out to be higher than among humans.so does that efficient working memory mean chimps are cleverer than humans? we tracked down a scientist who studies chimps in the wild. Doctor nick newton fisher,i think it's interesting in the results that suggest that chimps may have particular contributor are different,and maybe in some aspects,better.than humans,because chimpanzees are not small,primitive ferry humans.they are a species that we share,a common ancestor with maybe five,six million years ago.but they evolved along their own individual path, and they'd better doing chimp things and we better doing human things and something. some gym things may not simply be climbing up and down trees and eating figs.some of those chimp things might be mental abilities as well.that chimps, one humans.

4 Dogs saving lives?

keep both people and polar bears safe.Max is a red collie cross,normally full of energy and enthusiasm,but in two thousand and eight,his owner,morine burns,noticed that something was wrong.i thought at the time Max was fading,he was nine and a half.and i was prepare myself for losing him because of it.he just wasn't happy.wouldn't come with me once,sit by me,wouldn't sit on my lap. and the odd signs,they would come up.untouch my breath with his nose. and back off,so desperately unhappy with is such a sad look in his eyes.Maureen had a small lump in her breast,but her latest mammogram was clear,so she presumed all was ok.initially,i thought. it's just another lumpy breasts.people get. but then i sort of connected it with the dog with his odd behavior. and one day i was looking in the mirror in the bedroom here. and i looked across in the mirror at Max,his eyes,he was on the bed,as he is now and i knew it was cancer.murray went to her local hospital, but both a scan and a mammogram came back negative. it took a surgical biopsy to finally detect the cancer. Maureen had it removed,and the change in Max's behaviour was instant.the day i was picked up from the hospital. he was his old,hyper self again. he put his.knows across my breast to check where the operation had been and he was working on his town.his eyes were happy.and.it was unbelievable.the change in him instant. i love Max so much.and i owe him so much. and even before i go for a checkup now,i get him to check me out and if he's happy and wagging his tail, i am happy.and i know.i'm ok.we now know that dogs like Max are smelling the tiny,volatile chemicals given off by cancerous tumours. most dogs can do this. they just don't know that.we are interested. but with a little training,dogs can accurately pick out a cancerous patient from a selection of urine samples.they can even be told to let diabetics like steven know that his blood sugar,that was a smelling. long before he can feel it,and definitely before we passes out.dogs,like stevens are now transforming lives all over the country.they have been trained to detect the early warning signals for severe allergic reactions, epileptic fits and narcolepsy.
