2000字范文 > s7300plc串口通信_基于LabVIEW的S7300PLC与PC机的串口通信.pdf


时间:2021-12-13 15:01:45




仪 表 技 术 与 传 感 器

5 Instrument Technique and Sensor No5

LabV IEW S7- 300 PLC PC

刘小丽, 张晓光

(, 221116)

: 根据工业系统设计需求, 采用图形化编程语言 LabVI W 设计了 S7 - 300 PLC和 PC机间的串 通信介绍了

使用 3964(R) 协议编写通信程序的方法, 利用 VISA技术和状态机设计模式, 实现了上下位机的通信,并将该通信方法应

用于煤矿压风机组状态监测及故障诊断系统设计中, 将由 PLC所读取的数据在上位机上进行实时显示及分析处理

: LabVI W; PLC; PC 机; 串 通信

: TP277 : A : 1002- 1841( ) 05- 0100- 03

Serial Communication Betw een S7- 300 PLC and PC Based on LabV IEW

LIU X iaoli, ZHANG X iaoguang

College of M echan ical and E lectrical Eng ineering, Ch ina Un iversity ofM in ing & Technology, Xu zhou 22 1116, Ch ina)

Abstract: Based on the requirement of industrial system s, the serial communication betw een PC and SIMATIC S7- 300 PLC

w as designed using LabVI W, a graphicalprogramm ing language. This paper introduced themethods ofmaking the communication

program based on 3964(R) protocol and realized the communication bewt een the upper and lower computers using V ISA technology

and the state machine design pattern. And it applied thismethod to the design of the system of conditon monitoring and fault diag

nosis form ining air compressors. So the data read by PLC w illbe displayed and analyzed in realtmi e in PC.

K ey word s: LabV I W; PLC; host computer; serial communication

0 1CH00- 0A 0CP340 3: RS- 422/RS

, , - 485( X. 27)RS- 232C(V. 24)20mA (TTY),

, LabV I W RS- 485


PLC - 485, PC COM RS- 232

S7- 300 PLC PLC, , , RS- 232 /RS- 485,

[ 1]

, S7- 300 PLC ADAM - 4520 RS-
