2000字范文 > 如何在Eero路由器上设置静态IP地址


时间:2020-03-11 21:40:03



Most of the time, having your router assign dynamic IP addresses to your devices is fine. Sometimes, you want the additional control of assigning a static IP address that doesn’t change. Here’s how to do it on the Eero router.

在大多数情况下,让路由器为设备分配动态IP地址就可以了。 有时,您需要附加的控制权来分配不变的静态IP地址。 这是在Eero路由器上执行操作的方法。

The Eero meshWi-Fi system has a lot of great, easy-to-use features, including some advanced controls. Setting static IP addresses for devices is one of them.The settings in the Eero app are pretty easy to navigate, and you can usually find what you want without an issue. Finding the settings for using static IP address is a little trickier because they’re not listed as “static IP” or anything like that, but rather under “Reservations.”

Eero网状Wi-Fi系统具有许多出色的,易于使用的功能,包括一些高级控件。 为设备设置静态IP地址是其中之一。 Eero应用程序中的设置非常易于浏览,通常可以毫无问题地找到所需内容。 查找使用静态IP地址的设置有些棘手,因为它们没有列为“静态IP”或类似名称,而是列在“保留”下。

To get started, open up the Eero app on your phone and tap the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.


Tap the “Network Settings” option.


Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and then tap the “Advanced Settings” category.


Tap the “Reservations & Port Forwarding” option.


Select the “Add a Reservation” entry.


The Select Device page shows all the devices connected to your router. Tap the specific device for which you want to set up a static IP address.

“选择设备”页面显示了连接到路由器的所有设备。 点击要为其设置静态IP地址的特定设备。

On the next screen, tap the IP address, and then type the address you want the device to have. Tap “Save” in top-right corner.

在下一个屏幕上,点击IP地址,然后键入您希望设备拥有的地址。 点击右上角的“保存”。

After that, the device you selected appears in the list of Reservations and you’re good to go. From now on, your Eero router will keep that IP address assigned to that device.

之后,您选择的设备将出现在“预定”列表中,您可以使用了。 从现在开始,您的Eero路由器将保留分配给该设备的IP地址。

If you ever want to remove the static IP address and return to using a dynamic address for that device, head back to the Reservations & Port Forwarding page, tap the device, and then tap “Delete Reservation” at the bottom of the device’s IP Reservation page.


翻译自: /346398/how-to-set-static-ip-addresses-on-your-eero-router/
