2000字范文 > FreeCodeCamp和JavaScript纹身


时间:2024-07-11 15:31:26



by Andrea Goulet

通过安德烈·古莱特(Andrea Goulet)

FreeCodeCamp和JavaScript纹身 (FreeCodeCamp and the JavaScript Tattoo)

“Wow! Your software business sounds amazing, Andrea. So, tell me…do you code, too?”

“哇! Andrea,您的软件业务听起来很棒。 所以,告诉我...你也编码吗?”

Every time I’ve heard this question over the past six years, it’s grated on my confidence.


Nevermind that I’ve built websites from scratch.


Nevermind that I’ve developed a business around modernizing codebases.

没关系,我已经围绕现代化的代码库开展了业务 。

Nevermind that can confidently describe techniques like reducing cyclomatic complexity, refactoring duplication, using branches in source control, or Test Driven Development (TDD).


To most people, I simply don’t “look like” a software developer. Hence, the dreaded question when people meet me: “So, do you code?”

对大多数人来说,我根本不像软件开发人员那样。 因此,当人们遇到我时,这是一个令人恐惧的问题:“那么,您编码吗?”

As a high achiever, I’m particularly susceptible to Imposter Syndrome, and the area in my life where I feel most vulnerable is my technical skills. So, when someone asks me if I code, it feels like a punch in the gut. Even though the answer to this question is a clear “yes”, I still feel like a fraud sometimes.

作为一个高成就的人, 我特别容易患上冒名顶替综合症 ,而我一生中最容易受到伤害的地方就是我的技术能力。 因此,当有人问我是否编码时,感觉就像是一拳。 尽管对这个问题的回答是明确的“是”,但有时我还是觉得自己像个骗子。

This year, I decided no more. I resolved to shake this idea of not being good enough for good and get serious about finding a program to help me achieve my goals. This proved to be more challenging than I originally thought. Here were my criteria:

今年,我决定不再。 我决心摆脱这种“永远做不到好事”的想法,并认真寻找能帮助我实现目标的计划。 事实证明,这比我最初想象的更具挑战性。 这是我的标准:

No relocation.My family is too important. I have small children, and I’m still nursing one of them. We have a lot of family in town and rely on them for child care. Moving outside of my hometown simply wasn’t an option.

没有搬迁。我的家人太重要了。 我有小孩,我仍在照顾其中一个。 我们镇上有很多家庭,并依靠他们来照顾孩子。 搬到我的家乡外面根本不是一种选择。

Self-paced.I own a business and running that comes first and foremost. Getting an accreditation is a nice-to-have, not a must-have, for being successful. I needed to find a way to fit this program into running a business and raising young children.

自定进度。我拥有一家公司,而经营首先是最重要的。 获得认证是成功的必备条件,而不是必须条件。 我需要找到一种方法使该计划适合开展业务和抚养年幼的孩子。

Current technology.Owning a software business actually gave me a good insight into what colleges are teaching these days. Unfortunately, most curricula are woefully behind the times. I needed to make sure what I was learning was applicable to the problems I was seeing in my business.

当前技术。拥有软件业务实际上使我对当今大学在教授什么有很好的了解。 不幸的是,大多数课程都落后于时代。 我需要确保我所学的内容适用于我在业务中遇到的问题。

Work on real-world projects.I do best when I’m learning with a real problem that gives real benefit. Theory is great, but it only goes so far.

在实际项目中工作。当我学习能够带来真正好处的实际问题时,我会做到最好。 理论很棒,但到目前为止还没有。

Sense of community.As an extrovert, it’s been a real challenge to lock myself into a room for eight hours a day to hash out a problem. I knew if I was going to be successful, this program had to tie into a community of other students that I could connect to.

社区意识。作为一个外向的人,将自己每天锁在一个房间八个小时以解决问题是一个真正的挑战。 我知道我是否要成功,该计划必须与我可以联系的其他学生组成一个社区。

After a lot of searching and trial and error, I enrolled in FreeCodeCamp. This had all the features I was looking for with the added benefit of being absolutely free to students. After six months of going through the program, I’ve been thrilled with the progress I’ve made. Here are some of the things I love most about being a student at FreeCodeCamp:

经过大量搜索和反复试验后,我参加了FreeCodeCamp 。 它具有我一直在寻找的所有功能,而且额外的好处是对学生完全免费 。 经过六个月的课程学习后,我对自己所取得的进步感到非常兴奋。 以下是成为FreeCodeCamp学生时我最喜欢的一些事情:

Seeing the big picture. I’m a strategist, so I do best when I can see the big picture first and then dive into the details. I love how FreeCodeCamp lays out a detailed map of their entire program. This gives me a sense of progress.

看到大局。 我是战略家,因此当我首先看到全局并随后深入细节时,我会尽力而为。 我喜欢FreeCodeCamp如何布置整个程序的详细地图 。 这给了我进步感。

Built for people like me.Quincy Larson, who leads the team over at FreeCodeCamp, has written about his experiences with Imposter Syndrome. Many of the features of FreeCodeCamp came about because Quincy was dealing with some of the same challenges I was.

专为像我这样的人而建。领导FreeCodeCamp团队的Quincy Larson撰写了有关冒名顶替综合症的经历的文章 。 FreeCodeCamp的许多功能之所以出现,是因为Quincy面临着与我同样的挑战。

Really well-run.Quincy runs a tight ship. I’ve been amazingly impressed with FreeCodeCamp’s communication and the sense of community they’ve created. They’re transparent and share valuable information regularly. They have lots of engagement points so it keeps me going even when I feel like quitting.

真的很好昆西一帆风顺。 FreeCodeCamp的交流和他们所创造的社区感给我留下了深刻的印象。 它们是透明的,并定期共享有价值的信息。 他们有很多参与点,所以即使我想辞职也可以让我继续前进。

Small and frequent wins.Each module in the beginning has a very discrete task. This helped me move quickly and build my sense of confidence. It also helped me spot patterns and get lots of light bulb moments that just didn’t happen with other programs.

小而频繁的胜利。一开始的每个模块都有一个非常分散的任务。 这帮助我快速行动并建立了自信。 它也帮助我发现了模式并获得了其他程序无法实现的许多灯泡瞬间。

In-person connections.It’s great to have the online community, but I love how FreeCodeCamp also encourages people to get together in person. Last month, I coordinated an event at a local co-working space. Thirty people showed up and I was able to mentor people who were just starting. Teaching is one of the best forms of learning.

面对面的联系。拥有在线社区很棒,但是我喜欢FreeCodeCamp还能鼓励人们亲身聚会。 上个月,我在当地的合作空间协调了一次活动 。 出现了30个人,我能够指导刚开始的人们。 教学是最好的学习形式之一。

As I started making my way through the FreeCodeCamp program, my confidence grew. So much so that I decided to get a tattoo of a JavaScript function on my wrist for my birthday this year. Now, when I start to feel like an imposter, I look down at my wrist and realize that I can be anything I want. My life isn’t defined. This confidence boost is usually just what I need to lean into the discomfort of learning something new and focus on solving the problem.

当我开始使用FreeCodeCamp程序时,我的信心开始增强。 如此之多,以至于我决定在今年生日那天手腕上刻上JavaScript函数的纹身。 现在,当我开始觉得自己像个冒名顶替者时,我低头看着手腕,意识到自己可以做我想做的任何事情。 我的生活没有定义。 通常,这种信心增强正是我需要适应学习新知识并专注于解决问题的不适感。

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some code to write.


Andrea Gouletis the CEO of Corgibytes, a software development shop dedicated to modernizing codebases. She speaks frequently about the challenges that come with being a woman in the software industry and enjoys hosting FreeCodeCamp events at her local co-working space. She loves watching her kids explore the world and is a sucker for a good physics documentary. You can recognize her by the JavaScript tattoo on her wrist.

Andrea Goulet是Corgibytes (一家致力于现代化代码库的软件开发商店)的首席执行官。她经常谈到软件行业女性所面临的挑战,并且喜欢在自己的本地联合办公空间举办FreeCodeCamp活动。她喜欢看着孩子们探索世界,并且喜欢看一部出色的物理纪录片。您可以通过手腕上JavaScript纹身识别她。

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