2000字范文 > 软件工程 软件设计 步骤_好的软件设计特点 软件工程

软件工程 软件设计 步骤_好的软件设计特点 软件工程

时间:2021-01-21 07:47:53


软件工程 软件设计 步骤_好的软件设计特点 软件工程

软件工程 软件设计 步骤

For good quality software to be produced, the software design must also be of good quality. Now, the matter of concern is how the quality of good software design is measured? This is done by observing certain factors in software design. These factors are:

为了生产高质量的软件,软件设计也必须具有高质量。 现在,值得关注的问题是如何衡量好的软件设计的质量? 这是通过观察软件设计中的某些因素来完成的。 这些因素是:









Now, let us define each of them in detail,


1)正确性 (1) Correctness)

First of all, the design of any software is evaluated for its correctness. The evaluators check the software for every kind of input and action and observe the results that the software will produce according to the proposed design. If the results are correct for every input, the design is accepted and is considered that the software produced according to this design will function correctly.

首先,评估任何软件的设计的正确性。 评估人员检查软件的各种输入和动作,并观察软件根据拟议设计产生的结果。 如果每个输入的结果均正确,则接受该设计,并认为根据此设计生产的软件将正常运行。

2)可理解性 (2) Understandability)

The software design should be understandable so that the developers do not find any difficulty to understand it. Good software design should be self- explanatory. This is because there are hundreds and thousands of developers that develop different modules of the software, and it would be very time consuming to explain each design to each developer. So, if the design is easy and self- explanatory, it would be easy for the developers to implement it and build the same software that is represented in the design.

软件设计应该易于理解,以便开发人员在理解它时不会遇到任何困难。 好的软件设计应该可以自我解释。 这是因为有成千上万的开发人员在开发软件的不同模块,并且向每个开发人员解释每个设计非常耗时。 因此,如果设计简单易懂,开发人员很容易实现它并构建与设计中相同的软件。

3)效率 (3) Efficiency)

The software design must be efficient. The efficiency of the software can be estimated from the design phase itself, because if the design is describing software that is not efficient and useful, then the developed software would also stand on the same level of efficiency. Hence, for efficient and good quality software to be developed, care must be taken in the designing phase itself.

软件设计必须高效。 可以从设计阶段本身估算软件的效率,因为如果设计描述的软件效率不高且不实用,那么开发的软件也将处于相同的效率水平。 因此,要开发高效,高质量的软件,必须在设计阶段本身就应格外小心。

4)可维护性 (4) Maintainability)

The software design must be in such a way that modifications can be easily made in it. This is because every software needs time to time modifications and maintenance. So, the design of the software must also be able to bear such changes. It should not be the case that after making some modifications the other features of the software start misbehaving. Any change made in the software design must not affect the other available features, and if the features are getting affected, then they must be handled properly.

软件设计必须采用易于修改的方式。 这是因为每个软件都需要时间进行修改和维护。 因此,软件的设计还必须能够承受此类更改。 在进行了一些修改之后,软件的其他功能可能不会开始出现异常。 软件设计中进行的任何更改都不得影响其他可用功能,并且如果这些功能受到影响,则必须对其进行正确处理。

翻译自: /basics/characteristics-of-a-good-software-design-software-engineering.aspx

软件工程 软件设计 步骤
