2000字范文 > freecodecamp_常见技术支持问题– freeCodeCamp常见问题解答

freecodecamp_常见技术支持问题– freeCodeCamp常见问题解答

时间:2021-04-06 13:25:59


freecodecamp_常见技术支持问题– freeCodeCamp常见问题解答


问题:我刚刚登录我的帐户,但看不到过去的任何进展。 (Question: I just signed into my account and I don't see any of my past progress.)

Answer: You have created a duplicate account.Sign out of your accountand try signing in using a different service (Google, GitHub, Facebook) that you may have used to in the past. Or try signing in using an email address you may have used on freeCodeCamp in the past.

答:您已经创建了一个重复的帐户。退出帐户,然后尝试使用过去可能曾经使用过的其他服务(Google,GitHub,Facebook)登录。 或者尝试使用您过去在freeCodeCamp上使用过的电子邮件地址登录。

问题:尝试登录或保存进度时收到错误消息。 (Question: I am getting an error message when trying to login or save my progress.)

Answer: If you are getting an error that says:'Oops! Something went wrong, Please try again in a moment.', you have a duplicate account with the same email address or username. Please send an email to our support team:support@, who will manually merge or remove the duplicate account.

答案:如果遇到错误提示:'Oops! Something went wrong, Please try again in a moment.''Oops! Something went wrong, Please try again in a moment.',您有一个具有相同电子邮件地址或用户名的重复帐户。 请发送电子邮件至我们的支持团队:support@,他们将手动合并或删除重复的帐户。

问题:我设置了每月捐款,但是我需要更新或暂停每月定期捐款。我怎样才能做到这一点?(Question:I set up a monthly donation, but I need to update or pause the monthly recurrence. How can I do this?)

Answer: Just forward one of your monthly donation receipts to donors@ and tell us what you'd like us to do. We'll take care of this for you and send you confirmation.

答案:只需将您的每月捐赠收据之一转发给donors@,然后告诉我们您希望我们做什么。 我们会为您处理此事,并向您发送确认。

问题:我对投资组合的连贯不准确。 (Question: My streak on my portfolio is inaccurate.)

Answer:We are working on fixing a number of issues with the streaks on freeCodeCamp. Thanks for your patience.

答:我们正在努力解决freeCodeCamp上的条纹问题。 谢谢你的耐心。

问题:当我尝试在/ learn代码编辑器中运行代码时,测试似乎无法运行。 (Question: When I try to run the code in the /learn code editor, the tests don't seem to run.)

Answer:We recommend you use either Firefox or Chrome. Other browsers may not support the latest JavaScript features that our curriculum requires in order to run.

答:我们建议您使用Firefox或Chrome。 其他浏览器可能不支持我们的课程要求的最新JavaScript功能才能运行。

问题:当我去/学习时 ,挑战完全是空白。 (Question: When I go to /learn the challenges are completely blank.)

Answer:Do a hard refresh of the website by pressing control+shift+r in Windows or command+shift+r on Mac/Linux. If that doesn't work, you may need to clear your cookies. Here is how to clear specific cookies.

答:在Windows中按Control + Shift + R或在Mac / Linux中按Command + Shift + R,可以对网站进行硬刷新。 如果这样不起作用,则可能需要清除cookie。 这是清除特定Cookie的方法 。

问题:当我打开freeCodeCamp时,其中之一会冻结并崩溃。 (Question: One of my freeCodeCamp challenges freezes and crashes when I open it.)

Answer:This is caused by an infinite loop in your code editor. Here's how to fix this.

答:这是由代码编辑器中的无限循环引起的。 这是解决此问题的方法 。

问题:我有一个支持问题,此处未回答。 (Question: I have a support question that isn't answered here.)

Answer:You can ask for help on our forum, and the freeCodeCamp volunteer contributor team will do their best to help you. Note that for privacy and security reasons, they don't have access to your account in the freeCodeCamp database. Also note that you will need to create a forum account if you don't already have one. Ask your support question here.

答:您可以在我们的论坛上寻求帮助,freeCodeCamp志愿者贡献者团队将尽最大努力为您提供帮助。 请注意,出于隐私和安全原因,他们无权访问freeCodeCamp数据库中的您的帐户。 另请注意,如果您还没有论坛帐户,则需要创建一个。 在这里询问您的支持问题 。

翻译自: /news/support/

