2000字范文 > MySQL 5安装过程中遇到的问题的解决

MySQL 5安装过程中遇到的问题的解决

时间:2024-03-28 04:01:24


MySQL 5安装过程中遇到的问题的解决




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以下的文章主要是对MySQL 5安装的过程中遇到的相关问题的解决,本文主要是以代码的方式来对MySQL 5安装的相关问题的详细解析,如果你对其实际的操作有兴趣的话,你就可以 浏览以下的文章了。 1、[root@localhost bin]# ./MySQLd_safe skip-grant-tables 出现

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以下的文章主要是对MySQL 5安装的过程中遇到的相关问题的解决,本文主要是以代码的方式来对MySQL 5安装的相关问题的详细解析,如果你对其实际的操作有兴趣的话,你就可以 浏览以下的文章了。

1、[root@localhost bin]# ./MySQLd_safe –skip-grant-tables


Installing MySQL system tables… 090724 12:05:13 [Warning] option ‘max_join_size’:

unsigned value 18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295 090724 12:05:13 [Warning] option ‘max_join_size’:

unsigned value 18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295 ERROR: 1062 Duplicate entry ‘localhost-’ for key 1 090724 12:05:13 [ERROR] Aborting 090724 12:05:13 [Note] /usr/local/MySQL5/libexec/MySQLd: Shutdown complete Installation of system tables failed! Examine the logs in /var/lib/MySQL5 for more information. You can try to start the MySQLd daemon with: /usr/local/MySQL5/libexec/MySQLd –skip-grant & and use the command line tool /usr/local/MySQL5/bin/MySQL to connect to the MySQL database and look at the grant tables: / shell> /usr/local/MySQL5/bin/MySQL -u root MySQL MySQL> show tables Try ‘MySQLd –help’ if you have problems with paths. Using –log gives you a log in /var/lib/MySQL5 that may be helpful. The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at Please consult the MySQL manual section: ‘Problems running MySQL_install_db’, and the manual section that describes problems on your OS. Another information source is the MySQL email archive. Please check all of the above before mailing us! And if you do mail us, you MUST use the /usr/local/MySQL5/bin/MySQLbug script!

2、[root@localhost bin]# /usr/local/MySQL5/libexec/MySQLd –skip-grant &


[1] 6633 [root@localhost bin]# 090724 12:05:34 [Warning] option ‘max_join_size’:

unsigned value 18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295 090724 12:05:34 [Warning] option ‘max_join_size’:

unsigned value 18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295 090724 12:05:34 [ERROR] Fatal error: Please read “Security”

section of the manual to find out how to run MySQLd as root! 090724 12:05:34 [ERROR] Aborting 090724 12:05:34 [Note] /usr/local/MySQL5/libexec/MySQLd: Shutdown complete [1]+ Exit 1 /usr/local/MySQL5/libexec/MySQLd –skip-grant

解决办法:在/etc/my.conf中的MySQLd这一节中加入:user=MySQL,以上的相关内容就是对MySQL 5安装遇到的问题的介绍,望你能有所收获。
