2000字范文 > 大气压等离子枪 Atmospheric pressure plasma jet英语短句 例句大全

大气压等离子枪 Atmospheric pressure plasma jet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-08 19:28:36


大气压等离子枪 Atmospheric pressure plasma jet英语短句 例句大全

大气压等离子枪,Atmospheric pressure plasma jet

1)Atmospheric pressure plasma jet大气压等离子枪

2)atmospheric plasma大气压等离子体


1.Sterilization of Escherichia Coli with Two Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas两种大气压等离子体处理大肠杆菌的实验研究

2.Modification of silk fabric via atmospheric pressure plasma liquid deposition丝织物的大气压等离子体液相沉积处理

3.Improving the anti-ultraviolet performance of cotton fabric by plasma treatment at atmospheric pressure大气压等离子体处理改善棉织物抗紫外线性能

4.SiO_x-like coating on cotton fabric by atmospheric pressure plasma大气压等离子体沉积棉织物类氧化硅薄膜(英文)

5.Effects of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma to the Eggplant Seed on the Eggplant Yield and Quality大气压等离子体处理黔茄2号种子对茄子产量和品质的影响

6.Atmospheric-pressure Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition for Polycrystalline Silicon Preparation from SiCl_4 and OES Diagnosis由SiCl_4制备多晶硅的大气压等离子体化学气相沉积及发射光谱诊断

7.Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Environment in the Application of Pollute Water and Waster Gas大气压等离子体在污水及废气处理方面的应用与研究

8.Hydroxyl Radical Denitrification of Simulative Flue Gas Using Plasma-generated Products大气压非平衡等离子体注入烟气脱硝研究

9.Diagnosis for the Parameters of Microwave Argon Plasma Using Emission Spectroscopy at Atmospheric Pressure大气压氩气微波等离子体参数的光谱诊断

10.Mechanism of Microorganism Inactivation by Atmospheric Plasma;大气压下等离子体失活微生物的机理研究

11.Generation of Atmospheric-Pressure Glow Discharge and Its Application to Sterilization;大气压辉光放电等离子体的产生及灭菌应用

12.Characterization of a Novel DBD Atmospheric Pressure Cold Plasma Jet;一种新型的DBD大气压低温等离子体射流

13.Study on Theory and Key Technologies of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Arc Cleaning大气常压等离子体弧清洗理论与关键技术研究

14.Characteristic Study on the Plasma Jet Generated in Capillary at Atmospheric Pressure and Its Preliminary Applications大气压毛细管内等离子体射流特性及应用研究

15.Study on the Interactions of Two Cold Atmospheric Plasma Jets大气压冷等离子体射流双管相互作用的研究

16.Study on the Atmospheric DBD Plasma Needle in the of Sterilization Streptococcus Mutans大气压DBD等离子体针杀灭口腔链球菌的研究

17.Research on Low Temperature Plasma Spectral Characteristics Under Condition of Low Atmospheric Pressure低于一个大气压条件下低温等离子体光谱研究

18.Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) Diagnosis of Acetone Species in Intermediate Frequency Argon Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure大气压中频氩/丙酮等离子体发射光谱诊断


atmospheric plasma大气压等离子体

3)Atmospheric pressure plasma大气压等离子体

1.Effects of atmospheric pressure plasma on seed germination and seedling growth of cucumber;大气压等离子体处理对黄瓜种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响

2.A atmospheric pressure plasma equipment was designed to understand the effect on the eggplant yield and quality using atmospheric pressure plasma on eggplant seed.利用大气压等离子体装置对茄子种子进行处理,研究不同电压(4420~6800V)大气压等离子体处理种子后对茄子生长及产量与品质的影响。

4)Atmospheric pressure plasmas大气压等离子体

5)plasma torch等离子枪

1.Numerical simulation of fluid field and temperature field inplasma torch;等离子枪体内部流场及温升的模拟分析

6)Non equilibrium plasma at atmospheric pressure大气压非平衡等离子体


