2000字范文 > 蛋白指纹图谱 Protein fingerprint英语短句 例句大全

蛋白指纹图谱 Protein fingerprint英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-06 08:20:26


蛋白指纹图谱 Protein fingerprint英语短句 例句大全

蛋白指纹图谱,Protein fingerprint

1)Protein fingerprint蛋白指纹图谱


1.The Study on Serum Protein Fingerprinting for the Diagnosis of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma;食管鳞癌血清蛋白指纹图谱诊断模型的研究

2.A Study on the Seed Storage Protein Fingerprints of Melilotoides ruthenica Strains不同品系扁蓿豆种子蛋白指纹图谱研究

3.Studies on Proteomics from Serum in Colorectal Cancer and Hepatic Metastasis by SELDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry;应用蛋白指纹图谱技术对大肠癌及其肝转移蛋白质组的研究

4.Serum Proteomic Fingerprints of Severe Hepatitis;重型肝炎血清的蛋白质指纹图谱研究

5.The Protein and DNA Fingerprinting of Different Maize Variety;不同玉米品种蛋白质指纹图谱和DNA指纹图谱的构建

6.The Clinical Applied Research of Protein Fingerprint Models in Glioma;蛋白质指纹图谱在脑胶质瘤中的临床应用研究

7.Establishing Serum Protein Fingerprint Models and Its Clinical Application in Colorectal Cancer;大肠癌血清蛋白质指纹图谱的临床应用研究

8.Studys on Serum Proteomic of Myelodysplastic Syndrome by SELDI-TOF-MS;骨髓增生异常综合征血清蛋白质指纹图谱研究

9.Analysis of serum protein fingerprints in silica-exposed workers;尘埃暴露人员血清蛋白质指纹图谱分析

10.The Use of MALDI-TOF Peptide Mass Fingerprinting to Study Proteins from Cyanobacterium Microcystis Aeruginosa PCC7806铜绿微囊藻PCC7806蛋白质的肽指纹图谱分析

11.Analysis of serum proteomic patterns in patients with rheumatoid arthritis类风湿关节炎患者血清蛋白质指纹图谱分析

12.Studies on Identification of Five Ginger Cultivars by PAGE Fingerprints5个生姜品种的蛋白电泳指纹图谱研究

13.Preliminary study on serum protein fingerprinting for the early diagnosis of gastric cancer血清蛋白质指纹图谱用于胃癌早期诊断的研究

14.Establishment of diagnostic model for renal cancer by serum protein fingerprinting肾癌血清蛋白质指纹图谱诊断模型的建立

15.Screen for Specific Biomarkers in Serum of Pancreatic Cancer by Using of Proteomic Fingerprint Technology;应用蛋白质指纹图谱技术筛选胰腺癌血清特异性标志蛋白

16.Significance of Serum Protein Fingerprints of Different Phases during the Carcinogenesis and Progression of Gastric Carcinoma;胃癌发生发展不同阶段血清蛋白质指纹图谱及意义研究

17.Establishing Serum Protein Fingerprint Models and Its Clinical Application in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy;糖尿病周围神经病变血清蛋白质指纹图谱的临床应用研究

18.The Clinical Applied Research of Serum Protein Fingerprint in Thyroid Carcinoma;血清蛋白质指纹图谱在甲状腺癌诊断的临床应用研究


protein fingerprint蛋白质指纹图谱

1.Objective To check serum protein of children′s Hirschsprung′s disease(HD) and sift specific protein marker which was used in constructing of HD screening and early diagnosis of serumprotein fingerprint model.目的通过检测先天性巨结肠(HD)患儿血清蛋白质筛选特异的蛋白质标记物,构建用于HD早期筛选及诊断的血清蛋白质指纹图谱模型。

3)Protein fingerprinting蛋白质指纹图谱

1.Application of protein fingerprinting model in diagnosing type 2 diabetic nephropathy目的比较2型糖尿病(T2DM)肾病和对照人群血清蛋白质指纹图谱的差异,建立T2DM肾病诊断模型,探讨此技术对该病诊断的价值。

4)protein fingerprint pattern蛋白质指纹图谱

1.Application ofprotein fingerprint pattern models in liver cancer diagnosis;蛋白质指纹图谱模型在肝癌诊断中的应用

5)protein finger print pattern蛋白质指纹图谱

1.Objective To set up a model for the detection of the serum protein by using the protein chip technology for exploration of serumprotein finger print pattern models in Hirschsprung′s Disease(HD).目的从先天性巨结肠(HD)患儿血清蛋白质中筛选特异的蛋白质标记物,构建诊断HD的血清蛋白质指纹图谱模型。

2.Objective To set up a method for the detection of serumprotein finger print pattern by using the protein chip technology for exploration of serumprotein finger print pattern models based on the artificial neural network(ANN)in diagnosis of Hirschsprung s disease(HD).目的建立蛋白质芯片技术检测血清蛋白质指纹图谱的方法,探讨基于人工神经网络(ANN)的血清蛋白质指纹图谱模型在先天性巨结肠(HD)患儿诊断中的应用价值。

3.【Objective】To set up a method for the detection of the serum protein by using the protein chip technology for exploration of serumprotein finger print pattern models in early screening and diagnosis of Hirschsprung′s disease(HD).目的建立蛋白质芯片技术检测先天性巨结肠患儿血清蛋白质,筛选特异的蛋白质标记物,构建用于先天性巨结肠患儿早期筛选及普查的血清蛋白质指纹图谱模型。

6)Proteomic fingerprint蛋白指纹图谱技术

1.METHODS:Proteomic fingerprint technology combining magnetic beads with MALDI-TOF- MS was used to profile and compare the serum proteins from 44 patients with PBC,32 patients with other hepatic diseases and 43 healthy blood donors.目的:探讨蛋白指纹图谱技术筛选原发性胆汁性肝硬化(PBC)患者血清中可用于诊断的特异性标志物。


普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白药物名称:丙种球蛋白英文名:γ-Globulin别名: 免疫血清球蛋白;普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白外文名:γ-Globulin 适应症: 含有健康人群血清所具有的各种抗体,因而有增强机体抵抗力以预防感染的作用。主要用于免疫缺陷病以及传染性肝炎、麻疹、水痘、腮腺炎、带状皰疹等病毒感染和细菌感染的防治,也可用于哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、湿疹等内源性过敏性疾病。 用量用法: 肌注:每次2~5ml,3周1次,用于内源性过敏性疾病,每次10ml(含量10%者),3周内注射2次。胎盘球蛋白每次6~9ml。 注意事项: 1.按球蛋白来源可分为两种,一为健康人静脉血来源的丙种球蛋白制剂,按蛋白质含量有10%、16%、16.5%等数种(国内制品浓度在10%以上),其中丙种球蛋白占95%以上。另一种为胎盘血来源的丙种球蛋白(人胎盘血丙种球蛋白),即胎盘球蛋白,含蛋白质5%,其中丙种球蛋白占90%以上。胎盘球蛋白因丙种球蛋白含量以及纯度均较低,其用量应相应增大。 2.除专供静注用的制剂外,一般制剂不可静注。 3.注射大量时,可见局部疼痛和暂时性体温升高。 注:参见:“丙种球蛋白注射液”. 类别:免疫增强剂(免疫反应调节剂)
