2000字范文 > Advantages of Building \

Advantages of Building \

时间:2018-08-05 11:33:01


Advantages of Building \

In the Liusha Bay of Leizhou Peninsula, Zhanjiang, the first deep-sea intelligent platform for aquaculture is calculating the considerable revenue by "blue economy". The blue economy is to ocean-based or ocean-relevant environmentally friendly marine industries and economy. For instance, the fast flow of deep-sea currents, large spaces for fish to move, and high levels of activity allow for the production of high-quality and "quasi-wild" large fish species such as brown croakers, cobias, and giant groupers (Queensland groupers), among which a single brown croakers swim bladder is expected to sell for thousands of yuan two years later.

What are the advantages of building "marine ranches" in Guangdong? How is the "blue granary" in Zhanjiang specifically constructed? Blue granary is a national strategy in China targeted at an efficient supply of high-quality protein food, further improving food security. On June 14th, a reporter from Yangcheng Evening News came to a fishing port in Liusha Bay and learned about the recently-launched "Haiwei No.2", the first and largest platform for offshore aquaculture of 30,000 cubic meters in Guangdong, to look for answers.

"A single breeding cycle can produce more than 500,000 kilograms of high-quality farmed fish in the deep sea," said Liang Longcheng, head of the marine ranch of Guangdong Havwii Agriculture Group Co., Ltd. As the giant among Guangdongs deep-sea aquaculture platforms, "Haiwei No.2" enjoys a designed life of 20 years, a length of 86 meters, a width of 32 meters, a height of 16.5 meters, and a cultivation water body of 30,000 cubic meters, with each cubic meter of water capable of raising 20 kilograms of fish. It mainly focuses on the cultivation of precious seawater fish species at medium- and high-end such as brown croakers, cobias, and giant groupers (Queensland groupers).

It is understood that the current equipment installation and other preparations for "Haiwei No.2" have been completed, which is scheduled to be launched at the highest tide on June 18th.

In addition to the excellent equipment support, building a marine ranch and a "blue granary" requires favorable weather and sea conditions. Ke Zhenfei, director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Leizhou City, said that Liusha Bay in Leizhou, located in the subtropics with a mild climate and seawater quality standards between Class 1-2, is suitable for developing seawater aquaculture due to its large tidal range and exchange volume. Research has revealed that 88 species of phytoplankton, 54 species of zooplankton, and 45 species of economical aquatic products have been found in the waters of Leizhou Bay, which provides a rich bait basis for the growth of fish, shrimp and shellfish larvae.

"Currently, the modern marine ranch in Leizhou has taken shape," Ke said. Leizhou vigorously develops the "deep blue fishery" with offshore cages as a breakthrough, further improving the construction of aquaculture bases with offshore cages in Dongli, Liusha, and Wushi sea areas. Up to now, 978 offshore cages have been put into production and use in Leizhou City, accounting for about one-third of Zhanjiangs total.

In , the total output value of Guangdong Provinces marine production topped 1.8 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.4%. This indicates that the "marine ranches" has emerged as a new driving force for high-quality development in Guangdong as the development of "blue economy" accelerating in the southern part of the province.








据悉,广东省海洋生产总值达1.8万亿元,同比增长5.4%。“蓝色经济”正在南粤大地上加速发展,“海洋牧场”崛起成为广东高质量发展的新动能。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 )

文、图|羊城晚报全媒体记者 王丹阳 冷霜(署名除外)译|陈萱

来源 | 羊城晚报•羊城派

责编 | 王楠
