2000字范文 > 美国壁画家 插画家和设计师大卫·赖斯油画作品欣赏。

美国壁画家 插画家和设计师大卫·赖斯油画作品欣赏。

时间:2023-02-24 14:36:41


美国壁画家 插画家和设计师大卫·赖斯油画作品欣赏。



大卫·赖斯(David Rice)是俄勒冈州波特兰的壁画家,插画家和设计师。出生在科罗拉多州的阿斯彭,直到高中毕业后,大卫搬到了科罗拉多州的博尔德,在那里他获得了工作室艺术学士学位。他对艺术和设计的追求使他从科罗拉多州到旧金山,再到他现在居住的俄勒冈州波特兰。,他遇到了艺术家布莱恩·丰塔纳(Blaine Fontana),并开始了第二年的严格实习。这段经历使他对专业艺术世界有了深刻的了解,并培养了他蓬勃发展的职业生涯。


David was born in Aspen, Colorado where he lived until he graduated from high school. Living in Colorado helped David develop a passion for art and the surrounding environment, and spurred his love for the outdoors. After high school David moved to Boulder, Colorado where he received his Bachelors Degree in Studio Art. His pursuance of art and design has led him from Colorado to San Francisco to Portland, Oregon where he now resides. In he met up with artist Blaine Fontana and began a rigorous internship for the next year. This experience gave him a huge insight into the professional art world and fostered his blossoming career into what it is today.

XPLR (ex^plore) studios is the creation of David Rice, artist, illustrator and designer. Its goal is to showcase the past and current projects he has done for clients as well as his personal work.

The goal of David’s work is to create environments that exist beyond the parameters of our physical world. He often focuses on the themes of identity, as we see ourselves and as we are perceived by others. His work creates a new sense of nostalgia for the viewer. Something that seems familiar, but has yet to happen. The subjects blur the line between masculine and feminine, natural and man made, the past and the future. His aim is to create new relationships between the subjects and the viewer.

David has done projects for many large companies such as Patagonia, WeWork, Wacom, and Radisson Hotels. He has also been featured in Contemporary Art print and online publications such as Hi-Fructose, Juxtapoz, American Art Collector and more.

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