2000字范文 > 双语|余熙:相约北京冬奥会


时间:2019-01-19 08:25:49




Next year, Beijing will host the Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games, showcasing the top winter sporting events to the world. China welcomes friends from all over the world to enjoy these two wonderful sports games in Beijing.


Yu Xi, a senior journalist at the Changjiang Daily, recently explained to a group of international students the meaning of the emblems of the two games and how they present the artistic forms of Chinese calligraphy.


The design of the emblem of the Winter Olympic Games is based on the Chinese character 冬(dōng) which means "winter." In its upper part is the figure of a skater and in the lower part a skier. The undulating line in the middle represents a festival ribbon as well as the rolling mountains, sports venues and ski slopes.


The main color of the emblem is blue, which means dream and future, as well as the brightness and purity of ice and snow. Red and yellow originated from the Chinese national flag, representing the passion, youth and vitality of sports.

在“BEIJING ”字体的形态上汲取了中国书法与剪纸的特点,增强了字体的文化内涵和表现力,也体现了与会徽图形的整体感和统一性。

In the form of the "Beijing " font, it absorbs the characteristics of Chinese calligraphy and paper-cut, enhances the cultural connotation and expressiveness of the font, and reflects the overall sense and unity with the emblem graphics. The main color of the emblem, blue, is suggestive of dreams and the future.


The emblem of the Winter ParalympicGames is patterned after the dynamic and strength of the Chinese character 飞(fēi) which means "to fly." The image resembles an athlete rushing to victory which expresses the paralympic spirit of surpassing oneself and striving for excellence. The form of "Beijing " combines Chinese calligraphy and papercutting, highlighting the Chinese cultural elements in its design.

来源:长江周刊,-11-10责任编辑:徐坤阳 方柔尹


