2000字范文 > 喜欢很久的文案句子 干净温柔 值得看看

喜欢很久的文案句子 干净温柔 值得看看

时间:2024-05-03 12:48:45


喜欢很久的文案句子 干净温柔 值得看看

很遗憾你来得太迟了 我的爱情早在千百个孤独的时候变得有了算盘 我猜我们是没有结局

Im sorry that you came too late. My love has become an abacus in thousands of lonely times. I guess we have no ending

被骂到最后也没骂出个结果 曾经这么喜欢的人 最后互相讨厌其实还挺失败的

In the end, people who used to like each other hate each other. In fact, its quite a failure


I hope you think of me before you do anything and refuse some people and things for me

记不清 只记得有几条路是我自己走过的

I can remember clearly. I only remember a few roads that I walked by myself

你老是问我为什么老是盯着你 笑着说因为爱你 其实还有后半句 我不知道还可以这样看你多久

You always ask me why I always stare at you and say with a smile, because I lo

我知道一点爱也叫爱 东张西望也叫爱 但我却贪心要你那100%的爱

I know a little love is also called love, looking around is also called love, but I am greedy for your 100% love


At that moment, when I tried my best to say hello to you, it was very boring

ve you. In fact, there is the second half sentence. I don know how long I can still see you like this. I love you and love you

宝 哪怕什么都没有 但我有你就是一件很幸福的事

Bao even if nothing, but I have you is a very happy thing

遇到你 也许是我这辈子最值得骄傲的事了吧

Meeting you may be the proudest thing in my life

我总在想如果能回到那天就好了 至于具体到那一天不重要反正回不去了

I always think that if only I could go back to that day. It doesn matter to that day. I can go back anyway


Just want to say thank you to those who stay


No matter where you and I are, our hearts are always connected
