2000字范文 > 长江大学翻译与写作考研真题及复习笔记详解——才聪学习网


时间:2020-02-28 10:57:39





Practice 1




也正是在这方面,吴先生暴露了他的弱点。但是这一弱点,并不是由于说理不清或立意不诚,这个弱点是人文主义者所具有的观点中固有的,而且是作为白碧德(Babbit; Babbitian)人文主义者所固有的。遗憾的是吴先生使自己被白碧德人文主义吸引住了,使得他的所有观点无不染上白碧德人文主义的色彩。



Mr. Wu is everything that a teacher ought to be, except to be inspiring. Punctual as a clock, he works like a galley-slave at his lectures.

Where others would read a quotation out of a book, he would memorize it, however long it might be. He is as orderly as a drill-sergeant in the exposition of any subject, with his “firstly this” and “secondly that.”

Dull, perhaps; but never pointless. He is not one of those teachers, who talk of everything and say nothing. What he says does mean something: it may be wrong, but at least it is not hot air. He never hedges about any point; he always puts his foot plump on it.

In other words, he is never afraid of committing himself to an opinion. On matters of fact, especially of those facts which are to be found in encyclopedias and books of reference, Mr. Wu is unimpeachable.

One can only fairly quarrel with him on matters of taste or of interpretation. In these, Mr. Wu shows his weakness; but it is not a weakness, due to haziness or any failing in sincerity: it is a weakness, inherent in his point of view, which is that of a humanist—a Babbitian humanist, at that. It is a pity Mr.

Wu has allowed himself to be lured into Babbitian humanism. As it is, all his views are colored by it. Ethics and art get woefully mixed up. Often, one is puzzled whether he is delivering himself on a question of literature or of morality.

Practice 2

宋淇先生(Stephen C. Soong,1919—1996)生前著述甚丰,并不遗余力推动翻译教学与研究工作。为纪念宋先生对翻译事业的贡献,宋氏家族于1997年捐款,由香港中文大学中国文化研究所翻泽研究中心设立“宋淇翻译研究论文纪念奖”,旨在奖励海内外华人学者从事具有原创性的翻译研究,尤其鼓励以第一手材料从事文化与历史方向的探讨。


l. 中国大陆、港、澳、台地区以及海外华人学者、研究生均可参选。

2. 参选论文以中、英文语言为限,必须在内公开发表于正式的学术刊物。

3. 论文奖每年颁发一次,每次设奖额3名,不分等级,每位得奖者将获颁奖励证书及奖金港币3,000元。

4. 论文评审委员会由中国大陆、港、澳、台地区从事翻译研究的知名学者组成。

5. 参选论文恕不退稿。(四川外语学院研)

Stephen C. Soong (1919—1996) was a prolific writer as well as an active figure in the promotion of translation education and research. To commemorate his contributions in this field, the Stephen C .

Soong Translation Studies Awards were set up in 1997 by the Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, with a donation from the Soong family.

It gives recognition to academics who have made contributions to original research in Chinese Translation Studies, particularly in the use of first-hand sources for historical and cultural investigations. General regulations are as follows:

1. Eligibility is limited to Chinese scholars or research students affiliated to mainland Chinese, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau or overseas higher education/research institutes.

2. Submissions must be articles written in either Chinese or English and published in a refereed journal within the calendar year .

3. The prize will be awarded annually to three winners without distinction of grades. A certificate and a cheque of HK $3,000 will be awarded to each winning entry.

4. The adjudication committee consists of renowned scholars in Translation Studies from Greater China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

5. Articles submitted will not be returned to the candidates.

Practice 3








The marriage between “Father of Chinese Aviation” Qian Xuesen and “Authority of European Classical Art Song” Jiang Ying can be rated as a perfect alliance of science and art.

Because of their parents’ long-standing friendship, Qian and Jiang knew each other from childhood and they got similarly good family education. In 1947, they got married in Shanghai and kept their pledge of love—a black grand piano since then.

In the following 40 years after returning homeland, Jiang invited Qian to listen and comment her work whenever she had a stage performance or conducting job on graduation concerts.

Speaking of arts’ revelatory and broadening influence on scientific thinking, Qian says: “It is her songs that enlighten me whenever I am puzzled by some difficulties at work.”

“How blessed I am!” Qian said proudly, every time he heard Jiang’s songs.

On Oct.16, 1991, while giving a spontaneous speech on receiving “National Outstanding Contribution Award for Scientists” at the award ceremony held in Great Hall of the People, Qian says: “For 44 years, Jiang introduced to me the music which embodies poetic romance and deep comprehension of life.

It enriches my understanding of the world and teaches me an artistically broad way of thinking. In other words, it is right because of this artistic nurture that helps me avoid obstinateness and metaphysical materialism and makes my mind open and flexible.”

Practice 4


Wu Zuguang, a native of Jiangsu, was well-known as playwright. His first work Return on a Snowy Night brought him instant fame. He also set foot in the fields of film and Peking opera. “Mei Lanfang’s artistic stage”, directed by Wu Guangzu, is considered as the best one of all the documentaries about Mei Lanfang’s stage life.



Ⅰ. 安排

1. 页面布置



2. 题目


(2)题目中首尾词的首字母应大写,中间词除冠词、并列连词(and, or, but, nor, for)、介词和不定式的to外也须大写。例如:

My First Visit to the Palace Museum

The People without a Country

What Can the Artist Do in the World of Today?

What reform means to China

The Myth of a “Negro Literature”


a. 题目后不加句号。

b. 若题目为疑问句,应加问号;若是间接引语形式的疑问句,则不加问号。

c. 题目中引用的部分应加引号。

d. 书名须在下面划线或用斜体标明。

3. 缩进


4. 页码


5. 标点




Ⅱ. 大写


1. 句子开头



He said, “My trip to Mountain Tai was interesting but tiring.”


“My trip to Mountain Tai,” he said, “was interesting but tiring.”

2. 标题中的实义词

题目中首尾词的首字母应大写,中间词除冠词、并列连词(and, or, but, nor, for)、介词和不定式的to外也须大写。

3. 专有名词



a famous university—Peking University

a broad street—Chang’an Street

a large lake—Lake Erie






mackintosh(由苏格兰化学家Charles Macintosh的名字变来)

Ⅲ. 移行


1. 基本原则


2. 注意事项

(1)单音节词,如through, march, brain, pushed, 不能分开。









Ⅳ. 标点


1. 结构完整的句子不论长短,后面都要打句号。

2. 不要用逗号连接两个并列从句;应用逗号加连词,或用分号。

3. 逗号和句号要分清:逗号带个小尾巴(,);句号是个黑圆点(.),不是圆圈(。)。

4. 疑问句后用问号,但在改为间接引语的问句后不用问号:

“Have you done your exercise?” the teacher asked.

The teacher asked whether we had done our exercises.

5. 感叹号只用在需要强调的感叹句或表达强烈情感的词语后面。不要用得太多。


