2000字范文 > 如何快速写出一篇逻辑清晰 文笔细腻的好文章

如何快速写出一篇逻辑清晰 文笔细腻的好文章

时间:2018-12-15 06:37:43


如何快速写出一篇逻辑清晰 文笔细腻的好文章

How to Write a Great Essay Quickly! 如何快速写出一篇好文章

Simple tips for writing essays in English: these steps will guide you through the essay writing process... 用英语写论文的简单技巧:以下步骤将指导你完成论文写作过程……

Despite the fact that, as Shakespeare said, “the pen is mightier than the sword,” the pen itself is not enough to make an effective writer. In fact, though we may all like to think of ourselves as the next Shakespeare, inspiration alone is not the key to effective essay writing. You see, the conventions of English essays are more formulaic than you might think – and, in many ways, it can be as simple as counting to five. 尽管莎士比亚说过,“笔比剑更有力”,但笔墨本身不足以成为一名出色的作家。事实上,尽管我们都喜欢把自己想象成下一个莎士比亚,但灵感并不是有效写作的关键。你看,英语作文的惯例比你想象的更公式化——而且,在许多方面,它可以像从一数到五一样简单。

Every one of us is able to write a perfect essay when we have enough time, but there comes a time you are required to write an essay quickly. This can be overwhelming at times but with the right planning and management of time, it is surely achievable. 当我们有足够的时间时,我们每个人都能写出一篇完美的文章,但有时候你需要快速写一篇文章。 这有时可能是压倒性的,但通过正确的计划和时间管理,它肯定是可以实现的。

This can be done whether it is in the examination room or it is because of a tight deadline that is imposed by the instructor that is unbeatable or due to a very busy schedule that made you do the essay in the last minute and any other reason. 这是可以做到的,无论是在考场里,还是因为老师规定的期限很紧,是不可战胜的,或者是由于非常繁忙的日程安排,让你在最后一分钟完成论文和其他任何原因。However, it is possible to deliver a great essay even when time is not on your side, and in this article, we will show you how to write a great essay quickly. 即使没有时间,你也能写出一篇好文章。在这篇文章中,我们将向你展示如何快速写出一篇好文章。

Writing Essays in English 英语作文写作

Tips for Writing Essay 写作技巧

Start writing early – the earlier the better. Starting cuts down on anxiety, beats procrastination, and gives you time to develop your ideas. 尽早开始写作——越早越好。开始减少焦虑,战胜拖延,给你时间来发展你的想法。Keep the essay question in mind. Don’t lose track of the question or task. Keep a copy in front of you as you draft and edit and work out your argument. 记住作文题目。不要忘记问题或任务。在你起草、编辑和解决你的论点时,在你面前放一份副本。Don’t try to write an essay from beginning to end (especially not in a single sitting). Begin with what you are ready to write – a plan, a few sentences or bullet points. Start with the body and work paragraph by paragraph. 不要试图从头到尾写一篇文章(尤其是不要一次坐着写)。从你准备写的东西开始——计划、几句话或要点。从正文开始,一段一段地工作。Write the introduction and conclusion after the body.Once you know what your essay is about, then write the introduction and conclusion. 在正文后写出引言和结论。一旦你知道你的文章是关于什么的,然后写引言和结论。Use ‘signpost’ words in your writing. Transition signals can help the reader follow the order and flow of your ideas. 在你的写作中使用“路标”。过渡信号可以帮助读者遵循你的顺序和思路。Integrate your evidence carefully.Introduce quotations and paraphrases with introductory phrases. 仔细整合你的证据。引言和释义。Revise your first draft extensively. Make sure the entire essay flows and that the paragraphs are in a logical order. 广泛修改你的初稿。确保整篇文章流畅,段落有逻辑的顺序。Put the essay aside for a few days.This allows you to consider your essay and edit it with a fresh eye. 把这篇文章放在一边几天。这可以让你重新审视你的文章,用新的眼光来编辑它。
