2000字范文 > 读后续写英语作文技巧


时间:2024-05-10 19:37:14






Inciting incident 就是引起故事矛盾或冲突(conflict) 的事件,也可以理解为冲突的起因 (conflict and its cause);

Rising action就是围绕冲突故事主人公采取一系列的行动;


Falling action就是冲突向得以解决的方向发展;









读后续写的词汇得分点除了一般的名词、形容词、副词之外,最重要的是高级动词!因为续写侧重叙事,里面涉及到的人的动作是非常多的,比如cry,这就过于简单,要侧重细节描写,to show, not to tell, 高分作文一般就会写,With shoulders shivering, her tears cannot help streaming down her face.她的双肩哆哆嗦嗦,眼泪情不自禁的从她脸上流下来。所以类似表现喜怒哀乐的情况,都要事先做好准备(注意,两三句即可,但这两三句一定要是最佳句,如句式,高级词汇都要是最好的,熟记于心,一直用即可),侧重刻画描写,脸,手,眼睛都可以描写。











1)Then Lisa stood up and made her way through the crowd toward me.

2) Lisa planted her feet firmly in front of me.

3)She managed to climb onto it and waited patiently.

4)Reuben ran/rushed down Water Street, trembling with great panic.

5)The shadows were lengthening when Reuben arrived at the factory.

6)Then, clutching the tin can, he headed for the shop.

7)Racing home, Reuben burst through the front door.

8)Disappointed and frustrated, the poor man made his way back to his family.

9)Suddenly, the woman stood up and entered the house in tears.

10)And yet, they all just stood there staring at me, motionless.


1)Stunned, I stood up and gave her an awkward hug / hugged her in an awward way.

2)Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.

3)The nearer it got, the more she waved the yellow blouse wildly.

4)The man took the sacks, reached into his pocket and placed four coins in Reubens hand.

5)Then, clutching the tin can, he headed for the shop.

6)He parked down the street from Bobbys house, and rushed to his front door, trembling with excitement.

7)The man gently wrapped the gift in brown paper and placed the parcel in Reubens hands.

8)Dora lifted the lid, tears beginning to blur her vision.

9)Seeing no other people notice us, I placed the Christmas present down and pounded his doorbell.

10)She didn say a word, but smiled a watery smile and held my hand tightly



①The smile on her face shone like a diamond.她脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪闪发光。

②A smile of understanding flashed across his face.他脸上露出了一种理解的微笑。

③A ripple of excitement ran through them.一阵激动声穿过他们。

④Laughter lingered around the room.笑声在房间里萦绕。

⑤His eyes twinkled with pleasure.他的眼睛闪烁着快乐。

⑥A wild gaiety took hold of her.一种疯狂的快乐控制了她。

⑦Unforgettable were her eyes that shone like diamonds and lips held in a steady smile.令人难忘的是她的眼睛像钻石一样闪闪发光,嘴角保持着稳定的微笑。

⑧I was wild with joy.我欣喜若狂。

⑨I was pleased beyond description.我高兴得难以形容。

⑩She wore a shining smile on her face.她脸上带着灿烂的笑容。


①I was seized by anger.我充满了愤怒。

②He was fuming with rage.他气得大发雷霆。

③His anger boiled over.他的愤怒爆发了。

④He could hardly/scarcely contain his rage.他几乎控制不住怒火。

⑤He was breathing fire and fury.他充满着怒火。

⑥His voice trembled with anger.他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。

⑦He gave me a look of burning anger.他愤怒地看了我一眼。

⑧He glared at me with burning eyes.他用灼热的目光怒视着我。

⑨He flared up at the word.他一听到这个字就勃然大怒。

⑩His face clouded with anger.他气得脸色阴沉。


①He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.他静静地站着,眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。

②I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.我漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。

③Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears.她的手在颤抖。她快要哭了。

④Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine.听到这个消息,他绝望地把悲伤淹没在酒里。

⑤She burst into tears and ran out of the room.她突然哭了起来,跑出了房间。

⑥ She sobbed, hiding her face in her hands.她掩面哭泣。

⑦I tried to fight back tears. /My eyes were filled with tears.我努力忍住眼泪。/ 我的眼里充满了泪水。

⑧A frown(皱眉)now stood on his face.他皱起了眉头。

⑨They sat there with glum looks on their faces.他们坐在那里,带着一脸忧郁。⑩The news cast a cloud of gloom over his face.这消息使他脸上蒙上了一层阴影。


①He turned to me, with his eyes full of horror.他转过身来,眼里充满了恐惧。

②Fear slowly creeps upon her.恐惧慢慢地蔓延到她身上。

③She was struck with horror when...她感到恐惧…

④She was choked by fear.她因恐惧而窒息。

⑤Her face turned pale and stood there tongue-tied.她脸色苍白地站在那里,舌头打结。

⑥A flood of fear welled up in him. / Fear flooded over him.他心中涌起一阵恐惧。 / 恐惧淹没了他。

⑦Her heart beat so violently that she felt nearly suffocated(窒息).她的心跳得厉害,几乎窒息而死。

⑧She shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles. 她浑身颤抖,觉得如坐针毡。


①Touched deeply/immensely, we…被深深感动,我们…

②Tears filling her eyes, she offered her heartfelt gratitude.她热泪盈眶,表示衷心的感谢。

③With tears streaming down her face, she... 泪水顺着她的脸颊流了下来,...

